t h i r t y - t h r e e

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To: EWritingBlogs@cg.com
Subject: Relieved

I'm very relieved to hear that you're not mad at me. I never mean to hurt people, and I know I can sometimes hurt people without knowing it. Thanks for not completely ignoring my rambling emails. People say you ramble, but I'm pretty sure I've beat you at it.

Anyway, I hope work is going well. You sound really, really busy. Don't forget to relax in the middle of it all. You can't work well is you aren't rested. Then again, I'm not sure I have the right to give you advice, so I'm sorry if I crossed a line.

You know, I've been thinking that we could avoid these kinds of mistakes if we met in person. I don't know if that's crazy or not, but I saw in your blog bio that you live in the same city I do.

I thought it would be nice to get to see the face behind the blog since I've been communicating with you for awhile now. Plus, it isn't often that a writer doesn't put their picture on their bio. Most people put that there. Any reason for not having it?

Well, I need to get to work. I have some things I need to get done for some meetings. I can't believe how many meetings I've been having. Do they ever end?


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