If she was part of the fight, then there was a chance she could get injured or killed. She was a fighter trainer and had the most experience dodging arrows so she would likely be near the front of any attack. I slowly walked back to where I had been waiting for Diane in a daze. I couldn't help her from here and she wouldn't allow me near a fight.

I was still at a loss as to what to do when the people finally exited Roland's office. Most headed straight up the cliff and it was clear they had plans that they wanted to put into motion as soon as possible. Diane climbed up the ladder and came over.

I asked her, "Is it true that we are going to be attacking them?"

Diane sighed which showed that she didn't like the thought of attacking someone and took a seat on a rock, "Yes. Well, the trained fighters outside will be attacking them. Everyone else will be out of range of the fight."

I looked at her in worry, "You are going to be fighting, aren't you?"

Diane nodded slowly, "Yes, my archery skills are quite good and as you know I can easily dodge an arrow or two."

So, she was going to be in the middle of the fighting. I still had no real good plan. There was no way I could help her. Life with Diane had taught me one thing though, Diane always kept her promises, "Do you promise to come back?"

Diane gazed steadily at me, "As long as I still breathe, I will always return for you."

I could hear the honesty in her voice, but her words did not bode well. I frowned in concern, she had never reworded my request so much before. That worried me more than anything else I had heard.

"Can you promise to come back? That you won't die?"

Diane didn't answer immediately and gazed across the meadow to where the bandits were camped. She turned back to me, "I will never promise anything I cannot keep. I can promise that I will try my best to stay alive, but this will be a big battle. We will mostly be firing arrows from our hiding spots. Dying is at the bottom of my To Do list."

She had never mentioned the possibility of her dying before. This was the lady who had killed several Swifts and crossed the province on foot twice. But she could not guarantee that she would come back alive. I got up to move to her lap and gave her a tight hug. I couldn't stand the thought of losing her.

I knew I was useless in a fight, but that gave me a different idea. I looked over at Ace, "Can you promise to try and look after her during the fight?"

He looked deep into my eyes for a few moments before nodding solemnly. I relaxed a bit. Ace was faster than Diane, and I was sure that if she missed anything that Ace would warn her. Diane stood up with me in her arms as she gave me a hug, "Please remember your promise. The thought of you down there when those bandits might find you would distract me too much. Promise me that you will remain in the gated area until the battle is truly won or they somehow break in and it is no longer safe here."

I returned her tight hug, "I promise."

I had promised her earlier and I planned to keep my promise as much as I would rather try to help her instead. Diane put me down on the ground before heading over to the ladder that dropped to the forest below. Most of the others had already climbed down or used a rope to rappel down the nearly vertical surface.

Diane started to climb down, "Be good for Trish. I have to go now, but I hope to be back sooner rather than later."

I nodded slowly and responded, "I don't care how soon you return as long as you return safely. Stay safe."

I heard her faint chuckle as she dropped out of sight. I looked back to where Trish and Nathan waited. Cathy was strapped to Trish's back since she needed her hands to climb the ladder up. At least we could use the zipline to get back down.

A Different Virus - Laura's StoryWhere stories live. Discover now