Drops of Jupiter

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  Laughter wrapped around Min like a blanket. Entertaining others was literally what she lived for.  She smiled proudly as world famous actors, actresses, and directors doubled over with laughter from her joke. She has Tumblr to thank for that. Someone refilled her champagne. She drunk. It was refilled again. She drank, losing track of how many refills she had had. Not that it mattered. The press would get a kick out of a "tipsy" Min and then her chauffeur could take her home. That or the actor next to her who has been eyeing her the entire party. Jack? Jon? Jason? Something like that.

"Miss Ura?" Her chauffeur tapped her shoulder. "You have to be in France in two day Miss. I would suggest going home now. Going home and resting." She made a pointed look at Min's empty glass. Min shrugged and set the glass on a table.

"Of course. Well then. It was just lovely meeting you all!" Yeah right. "I hope to see you all soon! Ta-ta!" She gave a wriggling finger wave and left. Her chauffeur split to get the car and Min waited out front for him.

"Nice night." That's when she saw him. A man of large build, dressed in a striped tuxedo and wrinkled dress pant. He held a cigarette between his fingers and blew smoke rings into the spring air. "What's a lovely lady like you doing' out here alone? Dressed like..." He stared her body. "Dressed like that."

Min took immediate offense but struggled to hide it. I think that a peach cocktail dress, high heels, and an undo are perfectly acceptable thank you very much. The man smirked. So he wanted to flirt. Fine. She could flirt.

"Why, kind sir, I simply need a break from all of the people in the ballroom. Cocktail parties mean entertaining guests and that's not quite my forte. My car will be around soon. Would you care to..." She tilted her head to the side looking at him from under her eyelashes. "Keep me company?" The man shoved his long, greasy, black hair out of the way. He smiled smugly.

"Aha. I knew it." Min froze. "You are Min." Well duh. She thought. 

"Yes." She hesitantly drew out the word. "I am."

"Then I've come to collet my prize." He straightened and loomed over her. Min felt rage and fear ripple through her at the familiar phrase.

"Sir, I am sorry to inform you but all promises I have made to my former patron or null now. I am no longer associated with that line of work." She stood her ground, not-so-gently pushing the man out of her personal space. He chuckled darkly.

"Oh no, girly. I'm not letting you off that easily. After all, I'm not ordinary patron." He slid off the sunglasses that had been perched on his roman nose, reveling an unmistakable grey eye, and a green one. He grabbed her wrist before she could flee and tugged her into a small alleyway, checking to see if the coast is clear.

Min tore her wrist free from his grip and ran, kicking off her shoes.  She raced down the street in the general direction of the parking lot. Where is my chauffeur?!  She got her answer when she rounded the corner. The driver lay on the ground of the parking lot, red blood leaking from her head. Min ran. Her feet where cut and blistered as she dashed through the abandoned streets. The only people that could possibly help her where the town drunks, which didn't help much.

A hand shot out of a dark alley and dragged her into it. It was the man and he covered her mouth, blocking all attempts at a cry for help. He pinned her to the wall with the bearlike body of his.

"Now now. Don't struggle. Do you remember me?" She nodded helplessly. Of course she remembered him. He and his groupies had stalked her before she hit it big, starting in her first sophomore year of college. She worked in a dance club, as a dancer of course. She was desperate, young, and naive. And they had followed her. The police refused to believe her and only arrested one man, who wasn't even the right one. He had been a harmless citizen taking pictures of what he thought was a random hot girl on the bus. 

Memories We MakeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora