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*Six Years Later*

I never really saw it coming. It just sorta happened. The moment. The feeling. It just clicked. Staring down at the stick in my hand I would have never thought it would say positive, but here I was, standing in our bathroom with that very exact stick. I moved my hand towards my stomach and lightly touched it. It was a little tender and I felt a jolt from where I touched. I looked down and a smile slowly formed on my face. Who would have thought?

"Izzy baby, can I come in?" Ryder asked lightly knocking on the door. Instead of answering I grabbed the handle of the door and twisted it. The door opened and Ryder stepped in. I took one look at him and I bursted into tears. He quickly took me in his arms and started rubbing my back.

"Was it negative?" I handed him the test while still bawling my eyes out like I was a three year old who didn't get her way. He slowly removed one hand from my back to grab the stick. He looked down and the biggest grin reached his face. He looked at me for confirmation.

"We're having a baby."

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