Chapter 1

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Chapter 1


You Hate Me Don't You

I grabbed my dance bag and put it on my shoulder. I turned around and looked at my sleeping best friend, Lacey. It is the first day of school and we are already late. I saw a glass of water in the corner of my eye, and went to grab it. I turned back towards her with a evil girn on my face.

I poured the water all over her and she jumped up out of bed.

"Holy shit!"

I was laughing so hard that I had tears in my eyes.

"Haha very funny. At least you aren't covered in water."

"Come on," I said heading towards the door," we are already late."

"Fine. Give me ten."

When she was done getting ready and we ran to class. When we got there, I pushed open the door and walked in with Lacey. Every head in the room turned towards us. My mom was in the front of the room, frowning at as.

"It was all her," I said pointing to Lacey.

Lacey put her hands up in a 'come on seriously' way and looked at me with narrowed eyes.

"Isabella would you like to explain to us what happened, because Lacey is covered in water."

I stifled a laugh and Lacey narrowed her eyes at me.

"Well Lacey was sleeping and we were already late, plus she wouldn't walk up. So me being the brilliant person I am, I poured a glass of water all over her. So she woke up saying 'Holy-"

"OK that is enough Isabella. Get your shoes on the both of you and come here."

We put on our shoes and walked to my mom.

"OK, class I would like you to meet my assistants. Lacey Kane and my daughter, Isabella Hale. They are also in this class, but they are the oldest and most experience dancers here. So go warm up at the bar. Isabella and Lacey stay here.''

Everyone in the class walked over to the bar besides us. My mom had her arms across her chest and was glaring at us. We both started looking any where but her. Lacey even started whistling. My mom let out a little chuckle and smiled.

Lacey and I looked at each other than at my mom. My mom can never stay mad, unless it is at my dad. Lacey and I break out into a smile. My mom opens up her arms and the both of us run into them. See this is one of the reasons I love my mom.

"But girls,'' she said pulling away," never be late for my class again."

"OK," Lacey and I said in unison.

We then walked over to the bar to warm up. About an hour into class, the door opened and revealed a jackass. Ah! Ryder Jackson. The biggest player in school. My mother looks at him and scowls. She pretends to like him when his parents are around because they are best friends.

Lacey chuckled while I stifled a laugh. It was fun to watch this. My mom was talking to Ryder nd yelling at him. While she was doing that, Lacey and I burst out laughing. Ryder and my mom turn to us, Ryder having a smirk and my mom a frown.

"Glad I am funny," Ryder says.

OK, so let me give you the four-one-O on Ryder and me. We hate each other ever since we were little. Ever since he took my binke when I was one. Yeah I know a one year old having a grudge. I was a very mean child. Still am.

"Oh Ryder," I say in a bedroom voice," you are always funny. Your funny by just walking into a room."

"Hahaha Isabella but at least I get action."

"Oh by action you mean cheating on your girlfriend and getting slapped in the face by her. Yeah you get action all right. Oh and lets see what would your mom and dad think of this? My parents don't tell because their nice. I'm not so what's it going to be Ryder?"

"You wouldn't dare.''

"Try me."

"I could ruin your life Isabella," he said taking a step towards me.

"You are ruining it by being here," I said taking a step towards him.

"It is on."

"Bring it."

"OK, lets break this up," my mom said stepping in between us.

She narrowed her eyes at Ryder and frowned at me. She turned to talk to Ryder and I smirked walking back towards Lacey. She also had a smirk on her face and we high-fived each other. Turning back to Ryder with our arms across our chest smirking at him.

He frowned and narrowed his eyes. I pretended to be crying and he scowled at me. A couple minutes later, my mom was done yelling at Ryder. She walked away from him and he took a seat by the stero.

"OK class, you are dismissed besides Isabella, Lacey, and Ryder."

Lacey and I groaned and put our shoes back on. We walked into the middle of the room.

"OK, Lacey you take a seat for now and Izzy you are going to do your solo for the opening year dance."

"Mom do I have to do the solo?"

"Yes now get ready. Ryder play the song."

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Play Song>>>>>>>>>>>>>

I got ready as the beginning of the song started it was a mix of ballet and hip-hop. Which is really hard in point shoes, but like my mom I can do. The song is really up beat and just really cool. The only thing I really like about this dance is I get to do a flip and the cat daddy in point shoes.

I do a spin and go into a spilt I spin around and do a head spin. I hear Lacey whistle and chuckle. I stop spinning and get up by doing a flip. I do the running man and move into the cat daddy.

My favorite part comes up and it is Missy Elliot's part. I do some more of my mom's cherography and the song starts to end. At the last part, I walk off the stage and a phone comes down for the last part of the song. When the audio plays.

I finish and look at my mom. She is smiling. Lacey comes up to me and pats me on the back.

"Look at Ryder," she whispers in my ear.

I turn to look at Ryder and he is staring at me with wide eyes. "Didn't your parents teach you that staring is rude?"

"Yeah, but when you see a dance like that you can stare."

"Why? Am I that beautiful?"

He scoffs and smirks, "Nope that was just a really good dance."

"Well I am glad you liked it Ryder," my mom interjects.


"OK, you guys can leave, but hold on a second. Lacey you have a duet with James McCarthy so be here at 10 tomorrow and you two are doing a duet together so be here also," my mom said walking away.

"Wait, what?!"

"Don't argue Isabella. Just be here. And don't worry it isn't until the end of the year so you guys have plenty of time to practice it."

I look at her fading figure like she needed to be in a mental hospital because at this moment I think she does.

"Well looks like we will be spending a lot of time together partner."

And I am thinking that mental hospital is a perfect option at the moment.

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