Chapter 7 - Separation

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To anyone out of the loop, these three people would seem like the best of friends who had just run from school. To the three of them, they were connected to each other more than anyone they had ever known. The days that had gone by between themselves and only themselves made them not only reliant on each other but also, they wanted to be together. Whether they were open about it or kept it deep within themselves, that was how they felt. When Daniel's eyes slowly opened and his senses kicked in, he felt nothing wrong with laying where he was. Marissa's warm embrace was comforting and somehow protective. Daniel's took a glance at Stephanie who was surprisingly asleep. Something about how she slept didn't arouse Daniel but instead, made him feel at home. Something about the type of relationship he had with her gave him the smallest feeling of regret. She was beautiful after all. The grip around Daniel's waist tightened, telling him that his doll had woken up too. Daniel put his hands around Marissa's and pried her off. He then brought his heavy head off of his resting place and sat where he was. He felt Marissa get up behind him and lean against his back. Due to the sounds the two were producing, Stephanie woke with the rest of them. The three sat in silence for a little while before Daniel decided to kick off the day.

"Watch Stephanie for me, I'm going to look around for things we could use," Daniel mentioned briskly as he stood and made for the door. He didn't bother looking back to see if she was doing as she was told. Daniel's excitement began to run wild as he admired each and every single piece of machinery within the building. His heart beat ever faster as he came across piles and piles of chains. He took note of the smaller chains that could easily substitute for rope. The slaughterhouse has the perfect atmosphere for the one thing he desired most. The floors are deeply stained in blood, the walls dirty and brown. Nothing about the building was inviting or comforting. Daniel slung quite a long section of the thinner chain across his shoulder and returned to where his little girls were being kept. Upon reentry, he was glad to see Marissa and Stephanie talking to each other. It somewhat lightened the mood. Without a word, Daniel got Marissa to stand and started to chain her up. The end result was a simpler hogtie, it would undo if it wasn't held tightly. Daniel gently lifted her up and pushed a gag into her mouth before carrying her out into the main warehouse. He brought her over to one of the many hooks and placed it over through one of the links. The boy proceeded back down to the freezer to bring up his other doll. Daniel tied her up under Marissa to allow her to lift her head up but nothing else. He proceeded to grab his camera and laptop.

"I'm sure you know what I want you to do but to avoid embarrassment, you're just having a little bit of cookie today," Daniel informed Stephanie, watching as she begrudgingly lifted bring her head towards Marissa's genitals.

"Slow down there, I need to get this set up first. No one wants to watch a video that starts with the main act." Marissa brought her head swiftly down. She tilted her head in shame. Daniel gave the camera a simple forward view of the actors before starting the recording and giving Stephanie a smile and a thumbs up. Daniel became hard almost instantly as he watched Stephanie's tongue wrap around Marissa's underwear and over the already wet patch. He admired his work as Marissa lurched as best she could. The video got better and better as liquid began to leak down both of the girl's legs. Daniel brought his shirt up to protect his face as he walked into the Camera's field of view and tapped Stephanie on the shoulder. She brought her head down and showed off her soaked and messy lips. Daniel felt that it was about time that he got into the fun as well. He gently lifted Stephanie and put her beside his equipment he was going to use. He lifted Marissa down before yanking the chains off and clambering onto her. Everything was going so fast that Daniel couldn't really think properly. In a flurry of lust and desire, he tore her panties off and began to unbutton his pants. Marissa's face lit up immensely as she looked around her head. Daniel got his pants down and was pulling down his underwear when Marissa pressed her finger against his lips. Daniel looked up as he watched Marissa lift her back up and run the chain under her. She then brought it up and around Daniel before tying Daniel as tightly to her as she could. Daniel, taking a little more effort, managed to bring down his own underwear. His breathing was heavy and his actions rough but he finally got into a position the engage in the deed with his doll. He had not a care in the world.

Daniel buried his dick into Marissa and began thrusting as fast as his body would let him. The look of Marissa's constantly clenching face with animal blood beside it somehow made Daniel go ever faster. The moaning from the girl before him forgets anything other than her. Sweat began to run down from his face and land in her uniform, soaking through it. Daniel brought his head down and closed his eyes as he began to gorge himself on his pet. His lips hit hers as they began, in Daniel's eyes, loving each other. Daniel pressed his hard penis into her has deeply as he could manage. He stopped kissing her lips to lick away the tears that were forming at the corners of her eyes. Daniel brought himself back to the girl's lips but instead of kissing her, he decided he would enjoy licking her face more. The ecstasy of the moment began to fill Daniel as he started to lose all control of what he was doing. Before he knew it, he could feel his manhood giving in and flooding the girl. He lowered his head onto her chest and lay where he was, whether it was because he was chained to the girl or that he loved her, he would never know. Daniel felt something cold clip over his hand before promptly going against the other. Daniel tried to resist but instantly realized what was now clamped against his wrists, he rotated his head the best he could to see who had done it. The lack of anyone there really confused Daniel for a moment before he knew exactly what was going on. Marissa had grabbed the handcuffs during their sex. Daniel was about to mention that he was tired out and couldn't continue before he felt something else could except this time, it was against his throat. Daniel looked into Marissa's eyes, the smile on her face unmistakably happy. Daniel had walked right into a trap. Tied against the girl with nothing to resist. Tears began to stream from his face as he knew that all he had built up had been fake. He had himself embedded within a girl who was easily willing to kill him.

The gunshot deafened the three of them. Blood sprayed across the floor as Daniel felt himself sag down against this girl in front of him. He turned his head to see Stephanie standing above him, assault rifle in hand. Daniel first thought that he couldn't feel the bullet due to adrenalin but soon realized he hadn't been the target. Marissa's hand had fallen to the floor and the knife was laying softly within it. Daniel didn't know what to do. He was tied up and having sex with a girl who was dead. She had handcuffed him on, he had no way of getting off. He didn't know what to call the tears running down his face. Joy didn't fit but nor did sadness. It was a feeling he had never felt before. He watched as Stephanie lay the gun down and remove the chain around his waist. Daniel lifted his body with his legs and removed his manhood from the limp corpse. He waited to hear what Stephanie wanted but she stayed silent. Nothing in Daniel's head was making much sense anymore. He felt himself get pulled off of Marissa's body but he didn't move. He just sat on his knees, his head filled with both everything and nothing. Stephanie knelt beside Daniel and looked into his dead eyes. She proceeded to bring her face close and lick some of the blood off of his tear soaked cheek. She smiled at Daniel before taking a second pair of handcuffs and restricting Daniel's leg movement. Daniel felt there was no reason to resist. He was in her debt somehow. Stephanie struggled but managed to move Daniel to the stairwell. Due to her glued fingers, Stephanie had more trouble that she really should have whilst dragging Daniel down the stairs. She moved him into the freezer before grabbing what looked to be a wrench and hitting him quite hard in the head. Darkness ensued.

Daniel awoke with a splitting headache. He instantly remembered what had happened earlier as he felt all movement was restricted. He opened his eyes to see what was going on around him. The first and most obvious thing in the room was the naked girl in the corner. Her hair colour and the lack of breathing lead Daniel to assume that this was Marissa. It took Daniel a few moment to realize as to why she was naked. He looked down at himself to see white knee high socks on his legs. His feet felt tight as they had been squeezed into black school girl's shoes that were four sizes too small. He also saw a plaid skirt around his waist. He ran through the entire attire of a school girl to find everything on his body. His face also felt tight and heavy. He tried to call out but the ball gag in his mouth restricted everything. Stephanie walked into Daniel's field of view and gave him a quick smile. Daniel instantly began grunting and moaning loudly into the gag, wanting Stephanie to see that he was very uncomfortable. Stephanie leaned down and gave him a kiss on his cheek before she sat against the wall in front of him and started what Daniel assumed was what she was doing earlier. She had a knife in her hands and was cutting and picking away at the glue on her fingers. She already had her entire dominant hand free. She took a glance up at Daniel and instantly saw something missing. Without a word, she ran over to the bag of things Daniel had brought and picked out the pair of fluffy ears she had been made to wear. She nestled them nicely into Daniel's hair. She went over and finished her hands before crawling over to Daniel. She lifted his skirt and smiled at his penis, poking out one of the leg holes in his panties. She looked up into his eyes.

"You're mine now, all mine." She said simply as she took his dick into her mouth. 

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