Chapter 2 - Rules

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Light spills into the murder house through now open windows. Daniel paces in front of his dolly to explain all the rules of living with him.

"You are to clean up at least twice a day. I don't want to see a speck of dirt upon entry. Or blood for that matter. You make sure the door is locked and you are silent if there are people nearby, you don't want to be seen now do you?" Marissa manages to move her head slightly up and down in agreement. Still being strung up like a pig in a butcher's, she can't really do anything as of yet. Daniel leans closer to her and caresses her forehead.

"If you manage to follow the rules today, I'll get you anything you want." He spoke softly, his deep yet calming voice echoing throughout the bound girl's head. She smiles at the sound of such lovely words.

"Thank you" She croaks through reddened lips. Daniel gives her a soft pat on the head before closing the bathroom stall door.

"When I get back, I'll take you down if you can repeat every rule I gave you. Anything wrong and you spend a week in there. Got it?"

"Yes master, Thankyou master." Daniel gives himself a wide smile. He hadn't told her to call him that yet he liked the ring to it. He turned and blew a kiss towards the stall though the girl couldn't seem him. The psychopath then proceeded outside of the bathroom. He locked the door before rushing off towards his car. The early morning dew glistened brightly underneath his bloodied boots. Daniel took care not to step anywhere where the blood wouldn't fade quickly.

Arriving at his house, most of the blood was dry and wouldn't stain the ground. Daniel rushed off into his parent's house and ran as fast as he could up the soft, carpet stairs. Ignoring the calls from his mother has he grabs a change of clothes and enters the bathroom. He spends his time soaking his clothes within a hot bath as he soothes his skin in the shower. It takes a while but Daniel manages to get the majority of blood from his hair and other places. He finishes washing his hair before changing into his new clothes. He carefully makes his way down the stairs and sneaks his clothes into the washing machine. Daniel proceeds to run back up the stairs and rummage his room for anything he might want. Being a protection climber, he has a lot of pulleys and ropes with metal protections on them. He takes most of his rope and lots of slack lines. He also fills a bag with metal clips and carabiners, pulleys and finally, his recently passed dog's collar.

"Is something the matter dear?" His mother asks from the other side of his locked bedroom door. Daniel stops himself and thinks for a moment before turning towards the door.

"My girlfriend and I, we're uh... trying something new." He perfectly executes each word to make it convincing.

"Oh, that's alright dear!" His mother replies. Daniel listens in to the squeals of delight from his mother making her way back down the stairs. *If only she knew* Daniel thought, his smile more wicked than its usual charming self. He stuffed some spare clothes into his bags and a pillow before rushing back down his stairs and through the front door towards his car. He shoves the bags into the back and clambers into the driver's seat. His peripherals catch sight of his father making his way out of the house and towards the now running car. Daniel cringes as he lowers the window to see what he has to say.

"Make sure to use protection!" His father shouts from halfway across the front yard before winking. Daniel rolls his eyes before raising the window again and speeding off to complete his other errands before returning to the school's old bathroom.

Marissa sits patiently within her broken down wooden stall. She hums gently to herself as she passes the time before her master got back. The sun had now just passed midday and was now shining through the decrepit wooden slats. Marissa enjoyed the new found warmth against her scalp. With the sunlight shining against her bloodied brown hair, she looked as though she were an angel. A fallen angel now living in beautiful prison. Something deep within her was trying to convince her that she was in a bad place but she ignored it. She got herself excited just looking at the rough bonds against both of her hands. The tight rope against her ankles and wrapping around the bottom of the heel to keep it in place gave her chills. She was a little disappointed about not having a gag or anything to stop her from calling for help. Marissa knew she wouldn't shout but her new master was a little too trusting. She could feel her right eye beginning to chafe against the dry skin, causing her quite a bit of pain. The sound of a key in lock perked her up as he tried to focus on the small gap of the bathroom stall. She smiled as Daniel entered the bathroom, putting his things up on one of the smashed basins to stop his stuff from bathing in blood. Marissa ran through all her her commandments in her head, wanting to impress her master. Eye contact was made between child and toy before they both gave each other a smile.

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