Chapter 4 - Ecstasy

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(Still up?)

Daniel arrives at his house, pulling the key from his car and clambering out. He scanned the garage and driveway for any other vehicles and saw none, meaning his parents weren't home. He approached the front door and unlocked it with his key. Daniel pushed the door and smiled, it had been a while since he was able to really admire the house. He walked into the entrance and looked around. Along the shelves were trophies. Trophies for sprinting, long distance running, rock climbing. He paused for a moment, remembering his short-lived innocence. He gazed over at the family pictures in the room, he had always been quite tall. Six foot two last time he checked. He tore himself away from the memories and made his way to the laundry. He took the clothes, both his and his doll's, and placed them within the washing machine. They would take a while so he decided on clearing out the rest of his room. He went back down the empty hall and turned up the stairs. The carpet was much more welcome than the cold wood and tiles of the previous floor. He arrived at the top and moved over to his door. He unlocked it and it opened to reveal no changes. Daniel closed the door behind him and looked around. Pictures of him during the national rock climbing competition lined the walls, his favorite being where he stands proudly with a golden medal in his hands. He went over and gazed into the image, fond memories flooding back. He placed the picture back down and got to work taking things he needed.

He finished with six or so sets of clothes, his DSLR camera, his laptop and its charger. He knew that the school had multiple outdoor sockets that he could charge it with overnight. He also placed a few rolls of toilet paper and all of his shit bags that he used for his dog before she passed. Daniel proceeded to take his bag down the stairs and enter the laundry, it had only a few minutes left so he went into the kitchen for a snack. He grabbed some bread and was about to take his first bite when he heard a car rolling up the driveway. He filled with panic but let it soothe as there shouldn't be a problem. His mother came through the front door, a few bags in her hands. She quickly placed them on the kitchen island and rushed over to Daniel.

"How's it going sweety?" She called as she pulled him into a tight hug. Daniel hugged her back just as tightly.

"It's going great, our washing machine died on us so I came over to use yours. Is that alright?" Daniel replied, his soft tone showing no signs of being the cruel person he was.

"That's fine dear, let me make you some tea!" She started towards the kettle.

"No thanks, I need to get going pretty soon." Daniel hurried to stop her, the washing machine stopped perfectly on time and Daniel rushed into the laundry. His mother sat down at the dining room table. She gave him a smile and a wave as Daniel rushed out of the house, shoving clothes into his bag. *He had taken all his ropes, all of his climbing gear but nothing personal*. She sat there and thought over this. *What on Earth could he need all that for*. Time passed as the car left and the street went silent.

Daniel quickly went shopping for food before driving back to the school, parking his car a few blocks down at a hardware store. He grabbed his almost overflowing backpack and started towards his bathroom. Arriving, he opened the door and entered. Marissa ran over and gave Daniel a hug. It wasn't all that weird, there was only a year age gap between the two of them. Daniel looked around the room, spotless. Stephanie was in the corner, standing on her hands and knees like the dog she was. She looked up at Daniel but didn't do anything. Her neck was still tightly tied to the roof, leaving her bound to the one corner. Daniel put his bag down and started rummaging through it. He came across the dog things and shoved them at Marissa

"Clean the shit up." Marissa took the bags and paper gladly as she wandered over to where the other girl had shit on the floor. "Also, can you give me your collar please, I nee-"

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