Chapter 3 - Desire

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(This'll be the chapter that gets this taken down)

Daniel finds himself leaning over one of the cracked basins, his emotions attacking him from every side. He had spent the last few days toying with his plaything but nothing intense. He would cut her, abuse her to his desire but he couldn't bring himself to touch her more sensually. He had the door between him and the doll closed but he could still feel her stares. Whenever Daniel brought up the topic, she was all for it. She seemed as though she craved it. Even asking out of the blue when she hadn't her pacifier. Daniel felt tears begin to roll down his face. He turned around and started towards the stall door. His boots rang out against the now clean tiled floor. He pushed his hand against the creaky door and pushed it gently. The door swung open and Daniel got a good look at Marissa. He walked over to her and placed his hands on her thighs and began to bring his hands upwards, running over the bloodied bandage which was due to come off soon. He made his way up her entire leg and reached her underwear. He began to finger his way around it. Marissa blushed deeply and was beginning to get very excited. Daniel went just as red as her, making sure to not show his face as he made his way deeper. Marissa jolts upwards as Daniel reaches somewhere sensitive. She begins to breath heavily as she feels his rough fingers caressing her. He brings his face up to gaze directly into Marissa's eye before he stops himself. Marissa looks at him and tilts her head, both confused and slightly disappointed.

Daniel snaps. Tearing his hands away from the girl, he turns and runs towards the ceramic sink. He screams loudly at himself before sending his fist directly into the stained mirror. The glass shatters and distorts the heaving man's body greatly. He proceeds to pull his bloodied fist away before sending it right back into the glass. Shards find themselves embedded deeply into his fist has he pulls away again. Marissa tries to scream through her gag but only a quiet muffled cry could be heard. Daniel brings his fist back up, blood leaking onto the floor to remind them both of their uniting. He turns his head to see Marissa's tear strewn face, akin to his. Marissa keeps jolting, trying to get out of her heavenly bindings to comfort her Master. Not sure whether she wants to keep alive the treatment or Master himself anymore. She heaves deeply through her nose and manages to get some air through her pink baby's pacifier. Her tears grow stronger as Daniel falls to his knees, begging to lift his blade to his throat. The knife trembling in his hands, he stops with glinting steel against his windpipe. Marissa stops herself and just looks on at what is going on before her. With blood trickling from his fists, Daniel's hand becomes saturated in the red liquid. Just as he begins to softly push the blade against his flesh, a foreign voice distracts him.

"Is everything alright in there?" A girl's voice echoed throughout the room. By the tone and pitch of her voice, Daniel guesses around fifteen or sixteen years of age. Marissa's breathing starts to settle as Daniel lowers the knife from his throat, revealing a faint red line. Daniel makes his way to his feet, listening in to the now rattling doorknob.

"It's okay, I only want to see if you're fine." Daniel begins to approach the door. Trying to cover his footsteps with the girl's voice. "Please, let me in."

"You d-don't want to be here." Daniel wheezes through silent but ragged breaths. He continues towards the door, his back slumped down and his walking slow. The knife in his hands bloodier on the handle than the blade.

"Open this door, you don't sound alright at all!" The girl calls out, twisting the doorknob harder. Marissa's sits cutely within her roped room, hoping that the girl would leave her with Daniel.

"You need to leave. You really need to go." Daniel's breathing becomes more controlled as he tightens his grip on the knife. Light from the sun shining through the slats splays lines of sunlight against Daniel's clothing and face. The sun had begun its way back down from the center of the sky, leaving their location at around four o'clock.

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