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*3 Months Later*

I pulled on my leather jacket before heading out of the door. Since I returned back from Sweden, I managed to speak to Jack again. He wanted to get back together, but I refused. Besides, considering what he put me through I could never risk being put through that torture again. We were best mates now, obviously I was still friends with Nancy- who by now had recovered her physical injuries and mentally was improving rapidly. But we were a little group now: Nancy, Daniel, Jack and I.

Today Jack and I were just gonna hang out along the beach, I haven't seen him in a while because he moved to the other side of town. Just as I stepped onto the beach, I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. I checked the text, it was from Sven. I took of my jacket because the weather was so hot and sat down on the sand, with my jacket beneath me.

Sven: Hey Carina x

Me: Hey Sven! How are you? X

Sven: I'm alright thanks Lovebuzz. How are you? X

Me: I'm ok. Lovebuzz, seriously? X

Sven: Yeah, its cute- just like you! X

Me: I am not cute! X

Sven: Ok, well your beautiful. Prefer that Lovebuzz? Xxx

Me: I disagree but thank you Babe x

Sven: Don't be so hard on yourself Carina, you perfect just the way you are xxxxx

Me: Then how come nobody wants me? X

Sven: Carina, I want you to he mine forever but its impossible to have a proper relationship when we are in different countries. But in a year when your Dad's work contract runs out your be back here with me x

Me: 😊. Xx

"Boo!" I felt somebody come from behind me. I whipped round to be greeted by a smiling Jack, his arms wide open for a hug.

"Hey Jack." I smiled, before being engulfed in a hug.

"You ok Car?"

"I'm alright I guess... how are you?"

"All the better now I've seen you. Which is the first time in forever!" Jack was such a flirt, no wonder all the girls fell for him. Including myself, I must reluctantly add. Jack plopped himself down next to me and drooped his arm over my shoulder. I raised an eyebrow at him. And he swiftly removed it again. I'm not going to fall into Jack's love trap again.

"Whats up with you today Carina, you seem kind of... Distant." Jack asked quietly.

"Nothing. I just miss Sven." I said, clutching my phone and gazing at the text messages.

I felt Jack tense up beside me when I mentioned Sven. He hated the fact that I had moved on, but I wasn't going to let that hurt me. In fact, it makes me even more adamant that I have fully gotten over Jack.

"Maybe if you shut up about him for once, you would forget about him and move on!" He snapped, glaring at my phone."For all you know, he could have just jumped in bed with some blonde bimbo- you know nothing." Jack's voice was gradually rising. "I wish you would just realise that he probably doesn't feel the same way. You were just some fling and you happened to be related. Having a relationship with your cousin is gross anyway. You must be pretty fucking desperate if your chasing after your cousin." I could hear the hatred dripping from every word that left Jack's mouth.

I didn't say a word. I would be bound to say the wrong thing. I got up from the pebbly beach in one swift movement before slowly treading away from Jack. If I ran off, it would be obvious how much hatred I was showing right now, some for him but mostly for me. How could I have been so stupid? Jack was right. Sven didn't feel the same way. I was just some stupid fling. For all I know, he could be back together with Felicia- she's much prettier than me. Her hair shines, her eyes twinkle and she isn't some ugly cousin that was staying over.

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