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I stood up, walking over to Sven. Nothing was channeling through my brain. I couldn't register anybody's reactions, let alone my own. In my head I was telling myself no, but my heart was telling me different. He kept coming closer and closer before we were painstakingly close.

I closed my eyes.

I felt a soft force on my lips and hands snake round my waist. He was kissing me.

Sven was kissing me.

I kissed back, feeling his soft touch melt my heart. I opened my eyes just a fraction. His eyes were shut, shortly after I returned to doing so myself also. I felt him lightly bite my lip, requesting entrance. I accepted his request, feeling his tongue slip into my mouth.

It was then that I came to realise exactly what was happening. I pulled away, opening my eyes. I swallowed hard, letting everything come crashing down on me. I sprinted off. I didn't care what was going on outside of my mind, I just needed to escape. Out of the garden and onto the dark street. I ran in and out of light, beaming down from the streetlights.

Sven POV

"CARINA!" Ossian called after her. I had just experienced the most magical moment of my life and now it was over. Ossian leapt up, about to go after her best friend.

"No, I'll go Ossian." I said sternly. She nodded and sat back down. I ran off after her, trying to decipher where she was heading for.


I sat down on the wooden bench, next to my beautiful cousin. She had tears streaming down her face, she had her head tilted back as she gazed at the stars.

"Hej Carina." I said softly.


"Do you wanna tell me whats up?" I asked, trying not to push her into doing anything she doesn't want to do.

She nodded.

Carina POV

I had to tell him why I pulled away. I didn't want to, but another part if me did.

"Ok, well you know when I go all quiet and depressed."

He nodded. I took in a long breath and closed my eyes, preparing myself for the breakdown I was about to experience.

"Well its all for the same reason. There was this guy. Jack. He is one of the most popular guys at my school. His flippy hair and hazel eyes turned every girl on. He could have any girl he wanted, and he picked me."

I wiped away a tear that slowly fell from my blue eyes.

"At first I thought it was a joke, but I fell for him. We went out for a year, everything was perfect. He was the best guy any girl could ask for. We had a school project to do and he said I could come round to finish it off with him. I knocked but there was no answer, I had a key so I let myself in. I went into his bedroom and-"

I broke down. I hadn't spoken about him before to anybody. Nancy, Ossian and Frankie were the only people I told apart from my Parents. Sven put his arm around me, I nestled into his chest.

"And what Carina? Speaking about it may not make it heal completely, but the pain begins to fade that little bit more." Sven whispered in my ear.

I took a deep breath.

"-and he was in bed with my best friend!" I whaled. All the memories were coming back.

"Shhh, its ok. He's out of the picture now, so it can only get better." He cooed.

"It was him that made me-" I mimicked a blade slicing my arm. "I've stopped now for a while, but what happened still hurts me."

"As long as you've stopped cutting and can try to stop forever. You beautiful Carina and you don't deserve that." Sven smiled faintly, causing me to blush.

"I lost everything to him. My first date, my first boyfriend, my first kiss, my first-" I paused, resulting in a light chuckle from Sven. "It was a year ago but I still haven't managed to get over it. That kiss- it made me realise that I've gotten over it. But I can't, it was such a major point in my life."

Sven caressed my cheek and kissed my forehead. I felt so much better for letting it out. Maybe I could get over it.

"I really like you Carina."

I shot up, shock surging through me.

He felt the same way.

"I really like you too." I answered simply.

Sven pulled me into him. Our lips connected, setting off fireworks inside of me.

I've fallen in love with my cousin. And I like it.

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