spring day

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Maybe it was the way she smiled...

The way her nose would crinkle in the cutest way, as her lips curled upwards to reveal something that fueled his happiness. His whole body would freeze and as always, he'd forget to breathe.

The thought made him think of whether it was the way she smiled or the way she smiled...at him. Briefly she'd look up at him, only to lower her gaze a few seconds later, allowing her hair to fall forward in an attempt to shield her from the embarrassment. But little did she know that he adored everything about her, and when she hid something from him, he'd simply find something else to admire.

Maybe it was her hair...

The way it's dark colour complimented her features perfectly. How she'd tuck it behind her ears absentmindedly as she worked in class...giving him a seamless view of her beautiful face, framed by her glasses.

Or maybe those chocolate eyes that were hidden behind those lenses.

Eyes that held so much innocence, it was impossible for him not to be mesmerized by them. But then there was passion and admiration there too. Whether he was giving a presentation in class or performing at one of their school concerts, she would always stare at him with those eyes. It was difficult to ignore the emotions that could be seen in them, happiness, support and...love?

Love...maybe it was the love she had for the people around her.

Putting their happiness first, she was as selfless as she was beautiful. Inside and out. She never failed to brighten the atmosphere whenever she stepped into the room. She had so much love to give and she gave it unconditionally to those who were willing to accept it, despite her hate for people in general.

She simply needed people who understood her...and she had them. She was a ball of sunshine, constantly lightening the moods of those around her, but he wondered sometimes, someone that cheerful, must get sad from time to time. And when she did...who was there to cheer her up?

Maybe that's where he could fit into her life...

"Mr. Jung please pay attention, this may come on the test next week," said his teacher, completely shattering his chain of thoughts.

Hoseok shifted uncomfortably in his seat as he realized that all eyes were on him...including hers. His friends didn't even attempt to stifle their laughter, knowing exactly why he had spaced out. Nodding quickly at the teacher's instructions, he waited until he turned his back before sending a glare at his friends. Yoongi merely rolled his eyes causing Hoseok to face forward once more, however this time he was met by another pair of eyes.

Ones that weren't as judgmental as everyone else's.

He froze and she smiled at him. Her eyes attempting to comfort him with their warmth. It was a pity though, he thought as he smiled back before turning his attention towards the window. His pride was not wounded...how could it be when he was thinking of her?

how could it be when he was thinking of her?

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