Chapter Twelve

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A/N: Thank you ever so much for bearing with me on slow updates! Hopefully you will enjoy this chapter, and I am very grateful for every vote and lovely comment! Have a wonderful day or night, wherever you are reading from!

Lauren was stood on the doorstep, shifting almost nervously under Camila's disbelieving stare. Her head was bowed, allowing the dark waves of her to cascade down and hide her face from the scrutiny. Camila just stood motionless, mouth open in shock, still holding the door open.

"I didn't... you're here?" she stammered at last.

"Yes," Lauren nodded, almost apologetically, "It was... a bit of a last minute decision to come,"

"I thought Chris was coming?"

"I'm here!" a masculine voice rang out.

Squinting over Lauren's shoulder into the gloom, Camila managed to make out a tall figure moving behind the Audi. There was a sudden bang as the car boot was slammed shut, and then Lauren's younger brother emerged, with a suitcase in each hand. He cheerfully strolled to the front door, and placed the luggage down outside.

"Out the way, Laur. I want to give Mila a hug,"

Shuffling to one side, Lauren allowed Chris to step forward, and pull Camila into a friendly embrace. He was taller than when she had last seen him, and looked less boyish, and more grown up. Even his voice was deeper, but his animated, upbeat temperament had remained unchanged.

"What's it been then, Mila? Three years? More?"

"Something like that," Camila laughed, "Far too long,"

"Where does the time go, eh?" he shook his head, as he reached down to pick up the bags again.

Walking past Camila into the house, he called out to his parents, and within seconds, the whole hall was filled with adults excitedly fawning over Chris. Clara excitedly threw her arms around her son's neck, having to stand on tip toes to reach his cheek to plant a kiss there. The sight made Camila chuckle, because she remembered when Chris was small enough to be scooped up and carried with one arm.

"Laur's here too," Chris announced, pointing over to the door, where Lauren had been stood silently, just out of sight of everybody.

"Lauren!" Clara exclaimed, rushing over to greet her eldest child, "I had no idea you were coming! It's wonderful to see you, sweetheart!"

"Sorry for arriving unexpectedly," Lauren said quietly, "Things have been hectic at work, and I took a last minute flight from New York. I texted Chris to pick me up from Miami airport,"

"Don't be sorry, darling," Mike bustled over, "We're delighted that you're here,"

Lauren then went around to see Camila's parents, politely shaking Alejandro's hand, and hugging Sinu. They were pleased to see her, and she them. Clara kept clapping her hands together, thrilled that two of her children had been able to join the little party, and her total elation boosted everybody else's mood too.

As a group, they returned to the dining room, where Mike drew up two more chairs for the new arrivals. Clara exuberantly served up more plates of food for Chris and Lauren, and they started to eat at once, hungry from their relatively long journeys. Chris chatted happily away to everyone, easily taking up the role of centre of attention, while Lauren seemed quite content to just sit and listen.

"I can't believe we're all back here," he beamed brightly, "It's just like old times! Just a shame Taylor and Sofi can't be here too,"

"I'm glad you three have all got each other for company," Mike smiled, "I was worried Camila might get tired of just being with us parents,"

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