Chapter 8

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     Otto gnashed his crooked teeth. What a right fool he'd been to suggest Zeke help the little lady. He should have volunteered his services instead. He would be balls deep and not that dimwit, Zeke who'd been doing the honors for the past two and half weeks. 

    Irate, Otto slammed his fist in his hand. They'd been going at it like veritable rabbits, their desire for each other not letting up the least bit. Trembling with both anger and lust, his gaze drifted to the couple frolicking in the pool below.

"Disgusting," he mumbled under his breath. The smitten fool had shown the woman all of the mountain's inner passages. And of course, he'd fucked her in every single one of them. Unable to contain the sour taste of jealousy any longer, Otto spat a brown wad on the cave wall across from him.

As he wiped his mouth with his torn shirtsleeve, the woman's moan drew his attention. Leaning over the edge of the natural pool, the woman's breasts quivered. Zeke stood behind her holding her in place with his hands on her round hips. She rocked back and forth, meeting each of his vigorous thrusts. A nearby lantern's light cast a warm glow over her brown skin. Otto licked his lips. If only he hadn't been so charitable.

Tired of torturing himself, Otto stood. 

"You blasted fool you!" he spat with one last look. "You'll throw everything we had away for a little pussy." 

Self-directed anger filled every fiber of Otto's cursed soul. The woman had to go before that idiot got it in his head to trap her here with them forever. And the selfish bastard that Zeke was, Otto knew he wouldn't be willing to share. The thought of spending an eternity watching these two rutting in every nook and cranny made his dick feel like lead.

Otto backed out of his hiding spot. He needed a place to think and he couldn't do it with the sexual feast going on below. With no need for a lantern--he'd been in this mountain so long he could find his way without light--he navigated deeper, retracing his footsteps. 

He took one path and then followed another. A right turn, then a left.  A few more yards and he arrived at a hollowed out room jutting from the main tunnel. It had become their sanctuary in this living hellhole they'd been condemned to. But since the woman arrived, Zeke rarely slept here anymore. Instead he'd taken to sleeping in another alcove near the entrance of the mine.

Otto walked over to the table he and Zeke built, and sat down. He leaned back in his chair as his mind came up with and then rejected several plans to get rid of the woman. Finally, he slammed the legs of the chair on the ground, kicking up a cloud of dust.

His vision blurred as he envisioned his plot coming to fruition.


Vivienne eyed the group of rocks placed just inside the mine's entrance. Noting, the heart-shaped pattern, she felt the flutter of butterfly wings.  Heart beating wildly, she sunk to a crouch. As if touching them was akin to touching him, she reached out and caressed a stone. It was a simple gesture, and totally unexpected. Did he know she'd developed strong feelings as well?

Heart performing somersaults, she noted the trail of rocks branching off from the heart's center. Her gaze followed the path until it disappeared into the darkened mine. Did he want her to follow them? Was he waiting at the end? She prayed he was and with nary a stitch of clothing on that beautiful body of his. Suddenly impatient, Vivienne rose to her feet. 

Zeke's path led deeper into the mountain than she expected. She walked what felt like a freakin' mile before she came to a dead-end. Unfamiliar with this particular passage, she turned to retrace her footsteps but stopped. The light from her miner's hard hat had bounced off something lumped in the corner.

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