I saw Yoongi standing there on the lookout for me. When he saw me, he ran over to me. 

"Have you got keys?" He asked, breathing heavily. 

"Y-y-yes!" I replied, opening the front door and finding Jin passed out on the floor in the living room. 

I turned around to look at Yoongi who had been more focused on the stomach size.

"That's a story for later." I gave answers to Yoongi then went down on the floor to check Jin's pulse. It was still beating. Yoongi had already called the ambulance, so it was now just a waiting procedure. 

Yoongi held my hand.

"I have been gone a long time I know. But you can walk? And you're fat?" 

I smiled. 

"Yes I can walk. I did leg therapy and I guess it was a miracle! Another thing, I'm not fat. I don't know whether you'll believe me, but I'm pregnant."

Yoongi got down to hug me. 

"I thought you couldn't have any. I'm so proud of you, but who?" He asked. 

I pointed down at Jin, who was still unconscious. 

Then we heard the sirens coming from around the corner. There was a big ambulance that pulled up outside, then in came two paramedics.

They seemed quite focused on their task and immediately lifted Jin's body onto a bed. They put him in the ambulance and Yoongi offered to drive me there to hospital. 

"I'll drive." I insisted and Yoongi followed me into my car. I drove us at the same speed as the ambulance with the blue lights. When we got to the hospital, Yoongi and I waited in the car so that Jin could be analysed. We waited in the car for around an hour and a half before going inside.

During that time, I had fallen asleep and Yoongi did too. 

We entered the hospital and asked for Jin.

"Where is Kim Seokjin?"

"Third floor to the right."

Yoongi followed my sprinting and when we got to the room where Jin was, he let me h=go in alone. Except, I wasn't alone. When I walked into the room, I saw a man, a woman and a young child. 

I bowed to them and when I looked over at the sleeping beauty, he was no longer asleep. He was wide awake and smiling at me. 

"This is Kiba. The girl who is carrying your grandson." 

His parents inspected me up and down before having their words. 

"And will you marry her?" His mother asked.

Jin smiled. 

"I'd hope to."

"And you pick this of a woman?" She looked me up and down once again before insulting me. 

"Mother! She is the mother of my child! How can you be so rude?"

"Rude? You did this to yourself. The girl is clearly unfit and she'll do you no good in the future. She is just using you for your money Seokjin!" 

I could feel myself burning up inside and I couldn't help but let out a few tears. "I-I'm not. I-I-I promise." I cried and walked out of the room. 

I could hear Jin cursing from behind and his parents yelling at him. 

I walked out of that place and din't look back. 

"What did I even do wrong to them?" I cried to myself and I saw Yoongi waiting in the car. I got in and cried to him.


"His parents don't like me." I cried and started the engine. We drove back my place and got inside. There was a bit of a storm, as it was late evening. We got inside and I told Yoongi that he could sleep in my room, but he insisted to sleep on the couch.

"Yoongi? What did you want to say about our parents earlier?" I asked, sniffing.

"We'll talk in the morning." He replied with a calming voice. 

I nodded and walked away, about to go upstairs, but there was a knock on the door.

I went to answer it and when I did, it revealed a familiar face.

"Namjoon?" I teared up and hugged him tightly. 

"I've missed you so much!" He cried, whilst planting dozens of kisses on my lips. I pulled away from him.

"I'm sorry. It's just I'm with someone." I confessed. 

"With someone?" He raised his voice. Then he looked down to see my enormous stomach. "A-are you p-pregnant?" 


HEHE ;) 

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