~ Chapter 18 ~

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Yoongi has gone back to England and Namjoon has still remained unknown. Jin has been the only only one to stay. 

We've improved our personal friendship a lot. 

"Hey Jin, do you want to do something later or something?"

"Sure like what?" He asked, sweetly smiling at me, whilst sipping on his hot tea.

"I was thinking maybe we could go to the cinema or something."

"Okay that sounds great! You can finally get out of the house." He smiled widely.


It was evening and the movie was about to start. It was a romance because that was the only thing showing, so he wheeled me in. I felt bad because we had to be in different seats, due to my disability.

"I'm sorry." I looked down.

He lifted my chin up and looked into my eyes. "Don't apologise."

I nodded and then the lights dimmed. The movie was starting and already I could tell that this was going to be a good one. There were couples in most row and they were hugging and leaning on each others shoulders. 

"Are you okay?" Jin whispered. I smiled and nodded, but then I accidentally yawned. It gopt to the point that I felt really tired.


The movie was really good, but Kiba looked quite tired. I could see that she was looking at all of the cute couples and to be honest, I was too. She yawned a lot up until the point she fell asleep. Her head drooped down and I didn't want her to get a bad neck. 

I was about to wake her up to tel her that she'd hurt her neck, but instead, I moved her head and placed it on my shoulder. It made me blush a bit, but she must have been really tired. 


Kiba woke up and her eyes were swollen. She looked at me and she looked at my shoulder that she had been sleeping on. Then she widened her eyes and looked really shocked. 

"Was I asleep?" She whispered in shock. I nodded and laughed a little. It made a few heads turn, but we didn't care.

Eventually, I could see her smile a little bit. That was a good sign. I made her smile, I guess. 

"Do you want to get out of here?" I suggested. 

She seemed pretty quick to answer. She nodded almost straight away and so I wheeled her to the exit and then helped her get into my car. We drove back to her place, then I helped her inside. She offered me a cup of tea, but I told her that I should get going. 

"Thank you for tonight." I bid her goodnight, then went to walk away. She stopped me. 

"Jin wait. Come here." I did what she asked and went back over to her. That's when she hugged me.

I smiled when we hugged and felt a little bit red. We pulled away from each other. I don't know what happened to me, but I kissed her. She didn't pull away. She froze and then I pulled away. 

"Sorry. That was really unprofessional of me. Goodnight." I walked away with bright red cheeks. 


I called him back to hug him for tonight, but something else happened. When we pulled away from the hug, he leaned in to kiss me. It lasted two seconds and I didn't pull away.

"Sorry. That was really unprofessional of me. Goodnight." He then walked away and left, leaving me in a confused mood.

I couldn't stop smiling for the rest of that night until I fell asleep on the couch. 


I woke up with a smile on my face and skipped breakfast. I wheeled myself out of the house and caught a bus to the hospital, where I was meeting Jin. 

I got there and saw him waiting for me in the office. 

"Hey Jin." I smiled.

"Heyyy." He scratched the back of his head.  

"Lets go then." We went over to the waiting room and then I got called in.

"Kiba Fowler?" The nurse called and Jin wheeled me in. 

"Right then. How has using the wheelchair been for you?" She asked.

"A bit stressful. I feel like I am now limited to certain things." I answered honestly.

"I see. So I'm looking through your documents and it says here that you are now here for leg therapy. Is this correct?" 

"Yes" I smiled widely. 

"Good. Would you like to come over here then?" I wheeled my way over to where the nurse was pointing. 

"Right. Now we are still on the early stages for now, but I would like you to try this exorcise out for me. So if you would grab onto these metal poles for me." I did as instructed. 

"Good. Now I want you to try and lift yourself up from the ground." I pulled myself up and placed my feet on the ground. I had strong grip on the poles and my legs were shaking madly. 

"Okay now try and take a few steps." 

I moved my right foot in front of me and surprisingly I could move. I smiled and almost laughed out loud. 

"Great! Now move some more." 

I carried on moving my legs.

"Wow! You are stronger than we thought you would be. Especially for your first time. Now you can try some more steps next time and give it a rest for today or you can push yourself further today and let go of the poles."

"I-I want to try." 

Jin looked at me with cautiousness. 

I slowly let my hands off of the pole and they were shaking. I started taking extremely small steps, but then my legs gave up and I fell. Jin caught me in time though and our faces were close from touching.

"Okay you can sit down now."

Jin helped me to my chair. 

"Well Kiba. What can I say? That was outstanding! Come back in two weeks time and we will try again. Keep it up and you may be able to go into crutches soon." She smiled, then we shook hands and left in smiles. 


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