~ Chapter 24 ~

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"I don't know why I'm here." Jin moaned.

I moved his chin up. "You are here because of our son."

He gave me a depressed look.

"Yeah...I guess."

I sighed at him, while he pushed the shopping trolley for me. He followed me to the baby isle. 

"Look at this!" I squealed. while picking up an extremely small, blue, baby-grow. 

He couldn't help but smile a little. Then he walked off to look at some of the other things. 

I could see him picking up some outfits and inspecting them with smiles. I could tell that he liked some of them, when he came over a showed them off to me. 

"I think these are cute too!" He bragged, whilst putting them into the trolley.

I smiled at him to see him engaging with this. 


We paid for all these cute little outfits and drove off in Jin's car back to my place.

We sat in the car for a moment, while it poured with rain outside.

"We can start decorating today if you like?" He offered, which made me smile so much. 

He saw that I smiled and took my answer as an agreement, then he got out of the car. I saw him walk around the front of the car, while putting his jacket over his head. He came over to my side of the door and opened it for me. 

With the shopping bags, he took them off of me and carried them for me, whilst keeping me dry underneath his jacket. I got out my keys and opened the door for the both of us, as we pushed ourselves inside the door. 

I shut the door behind me and was still quite wet. Jin was drenched and I laughed at him for that.

"Are you okay?" Jin asked me and I nodded for response. 

He hugged me for a moment. "When our son is born, does that mean we would have to be together?" 

"A couple? Boyfriend and Girlfriend?" I asked, with a little bit of a high voice. 

"Y-yeah. A couple." I felt his warm smile appear upon me.


"Let's decorate." Jin interrupted sweetly.

I nodded, whilst slipping off my jacket and following Jin upstairs.

We went into Takeshi's old room he grabbed my hand.

We had started to put Takeshi's old things into large boxes.

A few hours later, everything was out. It was now already early evening and we were both shattered.

"I will leave now." Jin breathed, leaning up against the wall.

"No. You can stay here." I demanded, grabbing onto his shirt.

He shook me off.

"It's fine." He tried to walk away, but pulled him back by the shirt.

He gazed into my eyes and leaned in to kiss me. I didn't pull away or any negatives.

"You can sleep with me on my bed." I smiled while he followed me to my room.

He took off his wet shirt and threw it across the room. I laughed at his actions, then did the same.

Jin jumped onto the bed and wrapped himself in the duvet. I looked at him with an evil glare.

"Yah! Seokjin! Don't hog the blanket!" I yelled, while taking off my bottom halves and jumping into the bed and snatching the blanket from Jin. 

We fought for the blanket for a few minutes.

"I might just go and get another blanket." I suggested, making him refuse. 

"No! It's fine. We can share." He smiled, letting me have a little bit of the blanket.

We both got comfortable and ended in a position of Jin hugging my waist. It didn't take us long to drift off into a peaceful sleep. 

I woke up in the middle of the night, heavy breathing and lots of sweat dripping from everywhere. I was breathing so fast, that It was out of control. I grabbed tightly on to Jin, causing him to wake up. 

He rubbed his eyes, then with caution, he grabbed my cheeks and told me to breath slowly. It worked. His words helped me calm down.

"I'm sorry." I gasped for air and tears started to produce. 

"Yah! It's fine." He hugged me. 

We stayed up most of the night. Me in Jin's arms talking, whilst he played with my hair. 

"Will you stay?" 

"What do you mean?" Jin asked.

"When the baby is born. Will you stay?"

"O-of course. He's our son."

"And you promise?"

"I promise." Jin said, while leaning over to plant a kiss on my lips. 

"So, what our we?" I said in between kisses. 

"That's not for me to say."

"Is it not?"


I turned over and lied in his arms, falling asleep once again. 

The next time I woke up, was Jin falling off of the bed. I laughed as soon as I realised what had happened. He grunted and laughed with me too. I leaned over the edge of the bed to see Jin lying on the floor.

"It's comfortable down here." 

"Is it?"

"Yeah. Come join me." He smiled, pulling me down gently, by my arm. 

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