~ Chapter 6 ~

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Readers note: 

First of all, I want to say that I'm sorry that I have not published more chapters to 'TAKEN' in a while, but that is because I have had no internet. I do now, so I promise that I will carry on updating. Secondly, I will be taking in any recommendations, whether it's new story ideas, new chapter ideas or advice. Please enjoy and VCF!! 

Kiba POV

My phone buzzed, as I woke from my amazing dreams. 


Mine <3:

Good morning precious!! Hope you had a nice sleep. Meet me by my lockers. Ily xxx

I looked up from my phone with a smile, then dropped my phone and turned back over to sleep. I knew that I had to get up eventually within the next ten minutes, so I jumped out from my bed and giggled with excitement. I'd never felt so fresh in my life. He was something different. 

I hurried over to my closet and picked out a tight, spotty shirt. Then I looked further in my closet to find a fresh pair of bright, red jeans. Quickly undressing and changing, I kept looking at the clock on the wall, speeding at every tick. I sped so much to the point I tumbled over trying to slide my jeans on. It was easier to put them on from the floor, so I did. The only thing on my mind, was the distance away from Namjoon. Hurry up! I told myself...in my head. 

I slid on some grey sneaker that were already waiting for me and I rushed out the door with my bag. No words between Takeshi and I, were said. He got the point though.  My phone buzzed again, as I lit up with happiness. 



Where have you been lately? Never mind. The party's been moved to tomorrow night. Find a date and be there!!

My expressions soon became worried. I picked up pace and soon, I was at the lockers. I looked over at Namjoon's locker to find a post-it-note attached. I walked over there and read the note. 


The note had, what looked like blood on it. My eyes widened, then a sudden shock of a cold hand, made me jump. I turned around sharply to find my best friend. "Oh, Leon!" I screeched.

He seemed concerned, so he replied with a long hug. "What's up?" He asked.

I pulled away from the hug and straightened his arms. I looked at Leon deeply and trembled. "Read it." I cried, as Leon turned to look at the note. He didn't seem bothered.

"Okay.. and?" He bluntly replied. 

"We're together Leon! He told me to meet him here. Do you think this was to me?" I asked with concern.

"That is so cute! Since when?"

"Leon!" I snapped, as he regained back to the topic.

"Honestly, It could be. But why would you need to run?" He asked, putting the story together. I looked puzzled at the ground and almost cried. I clenched my chest and gulped hard. 

"Namjoon assured that I was okay and he said that they were after both of us. He got put in hospital Leon!" I yelped, as Leon backed away, giving me some room. I took big, heavy breaths and continued to sob. All the 'What an if?'s came to mind. 

"Don't worry about it Kiba," Leon started, but looked behind me in terror. I went to turn around, but Leon stopped me with his words. "Run!" He screamed. Then I did turn around. Only to find the popular gang storming over to me with knives. My feet were already moving, but It was a close chase between me and six people. 

I pushed past a bunch of students and teachers in fear and hoped that I'd find someone to help me. Ahead of me, was Hannah. She way trying to stop me because she obviously knew what was going on, but I pushed her out of the way too and didn't slow down one bit. The way that I was travelling, had more students gathering around lockers. I wanted to scream for help, but that would slow me down. I wanted to look back, but I knew that if I even took a slight glimpse at them, then I would probably be killed. 

My breathing began to kick in and I was nearly down. Don't stop!  

I said to myself. 

I was heading up to toilets and at that point, I'd stopped to find Namjoon lent up against the wall. He was barely conscious and he had blood drooling from his cheek. There was also a patch of blood pouring from his stomach. I hurried over there, attempting to lift him up. It didn't work, but he groaned. "We need to leave!" I screamed. 

He groaned again and looked up at me. I crouched down next to him. "Please...just go!" He struggled to speak, but I got the words into my head and I couldn't take it. 

"Namjoon, you are coming with me and everything will be fine." I spoke calmly and prayed that he'd come with me. He shook his head violently and squinted his eyes shut. I grabbed his hand and quickly squeezed it to make sure he was breathing. "Come on! Please baby please!" I cried, trying to pull him. He soon became unconscious and dropped on me.  His blood slithered all over my hands and I soon began to give up. Around from the corner, came the gang. They stopped at the sight of us and glared with confusion. Followed from behind the gang, was Hannah. Her eyes widened and she ran over to us. She pulled me away from my man and attempted to wake his up by slapping his cheeks. I pushed her over, so she was on the floor and I gave her a dirty and weak look. I smudged the tears from my cheeks and struggled to speak. "He.. ain't...your...s anymore."

She gave me a strange look and then rolled her eyes. Hannah stood up and walked away. Just like that and she had gone. She clicked at her gang and they followed her. 

I held Namjoon in my arms, as footsteps came from around the corner. It was Leon. He gave a petrified look and dropped to the ground in tears. I tilted my head at him, trying to hold in the weeps and then he awoke.

Chapter 7 is out tomorrow-guaranteed!! Please keep on reading and I hope you've enjoyed. VCF my little aliens ;)

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