~ Chapter 23 ~

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We waited outside of the room and she still hadn't told me the reason why we were here. 

She looked more concerned than me and she knew why, yet I didn't want to be here. 

"Yah! Why am I here?" I moaned.

She sighed, barely looking at me. 

"I don't know how I am supposed to tell you. Plus, you'd just laugh, just like I did."

"I wouldn't laugh! What is it?" I urged.

"I just need you here okay?"

I nodded in frustration and then we got called in. We followed the nurse into her little room and then Kiba and herself, exchanged greetings.

"So, is this the father?" The nurse asked Kiba, while she pointed at me.

My eyes widened. 

"W-w-w-h" I stuttered.

"Yes!" Kiba cut in. Saving me I guess, but also planning something.

"So you cannot have children. Is that correct?" 

Kiba nodded.

"I started to get stomach pains and a lot of growth. I thought I was getting fat until I saw the Doctor, who then told me to come here and get checked for pregnancy." Kiba explained to the nurse. 

I laughed out loud.

"That's why I am here? You think I did this?" 

I admit, I was being a dick. 

"Jin!" Kiba moaned at me. 

The nurse stood up and directed Kiba to lie down on the bed, where she asked Kiba to lift up here shirt. 

Kiba then lifted up her shirt and then looked up at me. I gave her a blank expression, then she turned back around because of the cold gel that was being rubbed on her stomach. 

I laughed a little to myself.

"You okay Jin?" She asked me.

"I'm fine." I didn't ask her back.

I was focused on the screen in front of me.  

That's when it became clear that Kiba had my child growing inside of her...


She looked at me as soon as she saw the heartbeat. She smiled with a tear in her eye, but I didn't know what to do. I got up and just left. I ran. Ran as far as I could, before getting to the car park. I slid my back down the bricked wall and my head hung low. 

"Jin!" I heard Kiba calling.

It sounded like she was running and the she found me.

"Oh, Jin! What was that?" She panted, trying to raise her voice a little. 

I looked up at her with tears streaming down my cheeks. 

She slid her back down the wall and sat next to me. 

"What is wrong?" She asked me. 

"I don't know how to feel."

"Happy Jin. Just happy."

"How can I be happy?"

"I can't have children and I'm pregnant."

"Stop! You are not pregnant! You are just eating too much!" I tried to stand up, but she pulled me back down. 

"Jin! Snap out of it! I am three months pregnant with a little boy! Our little boy. Now step up and be a good dad!" 

I cried some more.

"I'm sorry Kiba." I cried and cried as if I was a little baby, but it was all out of emotions. 

She tilted her head and rested it on my shoulder. I rested my head on her head and we just sat there for a while. 

She moved my hand to her stomach. 

"What should we call him?"

"I don't know." I said.

"Me neither. How about JJ? Jin junior?" She suggested.

I laughed out loud. 

"JJ?" I laughed some more until she joined in.


TAKEN-KIM NAMJOON FF [COMPLETE]Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum