~ Chapter 20 ~

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I broke a promise.

I broke a promise to someone who I love.

Where is he?

I do not know. 


I woke up on the couch and Jin was squished up next to me. He was still asleep and his arm was wrapped around me. His mouth hung slightly low, which was cute, but then it had sprung upon me.

What did I do last night?

Jin slowly opened his eyes and when we made eye contact, he grinned cheekily and gripped me some more. I gave an un-emotional glare at him, then we broke eye contact. 

"Good morning." He smiled.

"Uhh... hi." I replied with a little fake smile. 

"Last night? I don't know what to say." 

At that moment, all of the events that took place last night, came rushing through my mind. 

It then took me seconds to look down at my bare, naked body. I squealed in shock, causing Jin to fall off of the couch. 

"You're right! This is unprofessional. I'll get changed." He got up quickly, revealing himself. I turned away at instant  and let him get changed. He threw on some black, ripped jeans and a plain, white, t-shirt. 

I then grabbed my legs and moved them to the floor so that I was now sat up. Jin then slouched next to me on the couch and just stared at me.

"Look Jin, you're a really nice guy, but I don't really think that this will work." I let him down.

"Look Kiba, you're a really nice girl, but I don't really think that this will work." 

Why did that hurt?

Is he playing games with me now?

"Jin!" I sighed and punched his arm playfully. 

He played back with me and pushed me slightly. 

I couldn't help but giggle a little. 

I guess when a person laughs, it triggers everyone else to laugh too.

Jin began to laugh a little too.

I pushed him back a little and he tumbled to the side. 

Oh my Gosh! I'm still naked!!! 

I looked down at myself and quickly covered up with the blanket. He laughed at my actions and I gave him evils.

"Be serious. Was that your first time?" He asked, out of the blue, turning the spot light to me. 

I hesitated a little to respond. "N-n-y-yeah-no-not. Yes! It was okay?!!!" I hissed.

He almost died with laughter. 

"I could tell." He smirked. 

I punched his arm again, playfully and for a few minutes, we just spent it play fighting with each other.

It was a good few minutes, but then I did some thing which I may regret in my future.

...If I have one after this...

I leaned in and threw my lips at his.

He pulled away instantly.

"I thought you didn't want me!" He yelled. 

"I-I-i'm...i'm sorry

"You-you said that we wouldn't work. And now you throw yourself at me?" He scoffed. 



"W-wait. I didn't throw myself at you!"

He got up and went to walk away, but I grabbed his wrist, not realising how hard I pulled him and he fell back on me. 

We were inches away from touching our lips together, but Jin got up an walked away. I could hear the door slam shut behind him and it made me tear up a little.

I have another leg therapy tomorrow and probably nobody to help me go there. 


The next day came and the rest of yesterday was spent thinking about my confused emotions for Jin.

Somehow, I liked him. Well, I must have liked him enough to...*cough* *cough*

But on some occasions, it was wrong to like someone who is only supposed to care for me. 

I was waiting for Jin to come over, when I heard the front door open. 

In came Jin and another man wearing the same uniform who stood behind him. 

He introduced him to me. "This is Jung Hoseok. He is training with me today." He said simply with no expression at all.

Hoseok smiled. "Hello." He bowed. 

I smiled back and gave a little wave. 

"Ready to go?" Jin asked me, barely looking at me. 

I nodded then both Jin and Hoseok helped me up and we all drove to the hospital with Jin driving, When we got there, the boys helped me out of the car and wheeled me into the waiting room. 

We waited there for about ten minutes before getting called in. 

"Kiba Fowler?" A familiar lady popped her head around the door of the room that she was in. 

We all went in and she went over the basics with me again.

"So, after last time, we saw that you were quite confident with standing, but had a little struggle." I nodded at her as she spoke. "Now, today then, we will try to get you up again and see if we can down-grade you anytime soon. Okay?"

I was still nodding. 

I was in the same place as last time so I knew what I had to do. I pulled myself up and held on to the metal bars for support. I began to take my first few steps, before getting more confident with myself. 

I smiled at myself and slowly let go of the support bars. I took two steps before falling, being caught by Hoseok. I smiled up at him and when I turned to Jin who I thought would have caught me instead, he looked away instantly.

"Thank you." I smiled at Hoseok. 

"Just doing my job." He smiled back. It was pleasant.

I sat back down in my special chair and then talked with my nurse. (Someone else who took care of me) :(

"Well, it seems that we are confident with the way you are handling this. I think we can give you crutches today." She smiled widely and changed her tone to a really happy one. 


I walked out of that place with a little bit of my own support and a little bit of the crutches' support. I felt so proud of myself. 

"Hoseok? Is it okay if I have a quick private word with Jin?" I asked.

"Sure thing." He smiled at me and walked off to get in the car. 

Jin was lent up against the car and I was standing with support. 

"Jin, what's up with you today?" I started the conversation.

"Nothing. By the way, I'm leaving."

"What?" I choked on air.

"I'm leaving." He repeated. 


"I don't want whatever we have to get in the way of work, so Hoseok will be taking care of you after this." He grinned sarcastically and rolled his eyes.

"Jin!" I sighed.

"What? What can you say that can make things better?" He snapped.

"I like you." I could feel tears burning up inside of me. 

"Then I have to leave." He said simply and walked away from the car, leaving me in tears and leaving me dumbfounded. 

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