~ Chapter 4 ~

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Hannah had him pinned up against the lockers. It was a familiar sight, so I felt for him. Especially since this was partly my fault. She gripped him tighter and tighter every time he tried to talk. She never let anyone have their say. A sudden high-pitch voice, came from behind me. "Kiba! Is it true that you saw your brother naked?" Asked Leon with excitement.

"What? Who said that?" I asked, with anger. 

"Are you kidding? First, It's going around the whole school and second, I've been eavesdropping in the argument. It's been going on all morning!"

I clenched my fists, as my face lit up with annoyance. I stormed away from Leon, trying not to snap at him, but he always got the wrong end of the stick. I didn't mean to, but I budged into Hannah as I walked by. It felt good to be the bully for a second. Hannah turned her head around and her face was bright red. She looked as if she was going to kill me, but I turned my head away and followed on my journey. There was one last bang on the lockers, but I didn't even want to know. At last I got to the quiet area of the school. A bunch of students who were reading, saw my expressions and moved away in fear. I felt like a monster!

A sudden grip of my arm, made me turn around in shock. I gasped at the sight of it. A Namjoon with a bloody face. I almost burst into tears when I saw the sight of him. He moved his hands up to my cheeks. He held the position for while and then it happened. 

"I don't blame you for hiding it." He said, with a serious look.

"I blame myself Namjoon. I should have told you sooner." I said, adjusting my hand to his cut. He hissed with pain, but buckled it up. 


"I've messed up bad. I've ruined a relationship." I cried.

"You've saved me Kiba! She barely meant anything to me." He sighed, taking his hands away from my cheeks and placing them by his side. He looked down at the ground in shame and I tried to move away. "The least you could do is stay with me Kiba." He said in pain. I sighed, but he convinced me to stay. 

"It's the least I could do? Gee thanks!" Sarcasm got the better of me. He giggled a bit, but remained with a straight face as soon as I looked at him. He began to bite his nails, as I looked at him strangely, then he stopped instantly. 

"Problem?" He asked shyly, with a smile. 

"How can you be so okay after everything that just happened?"

"It's the only way I can hide my feelings. I know if I show them, then it wouldn't fit my life style. People rely on me because I'm so fucking happy!" He yelled, releasing all his stress. 

"You shouldn't have to hide them Namjoon." I demanded, but he wouldn't listen to me anyway. 

Namjoon began to move closer to me. It made me blush a little. I gave him a confused look, but he continued to make me blush. "I like you Kiba. You're so predictable." Namjoon placed his hands around my waist and moved his face closer to mine. He whispered in my ear and it made me blush even more. "I don't want you to chase after me anymore." He whispered. Then his hands slipped away from my waist.


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