Chapter 1

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“Casey Thompson will you please report to the Principle’s office”  I heard my name being called over the P.A. system.  I didn’t do anything so it had to have been one of the boys.

I gave my teacher a look and she excused me to the office.  Walking down the hallways of Baleridge High I smilied to myself.  It was my sophomore year of high school and I was having the best time of my life. 

I walked into the office and looked over to the receptionist.  She gave me a sorry look and paged Mr. Dovane to let him know I was here.  He walked outside and greeted me into his office.  I walked in and found Chance sitting in the chair in front of the principles desk.  I looked down at him and saw that his lip was busted.  I shook my head and rolled my eyes.  His leather jacket and white T-shirt had blood on them and the knee part of his dark washed jeans were ripped.

“Well Miss Casey Thompson I called you in for your brothers behavior.”

“I figured” shrugging my shoulders

“We found him in the hallways with his busted lip and when we asked him what happened he told us that if we thought that he looked bad we should have seen what he did to the other guy.”

Chance snickered and I gave him a dirty look.

“We are giving him one more chance until we have no choice but to suspend him.  This is his second time he has been in the office in three weeks.  We are letting him off with twelve hours of detention.”

“Good, he deserves it.”

Chance punched me in the arm.

“What you do deserve it.  You have been getting in too much trouble and I have to keep hearing my name over the school P.A.”

He rolled his eyes and slummed lower into the chair.

We were excused from the office and thankfully school was over.  Outside, Chase and Carson were waiting for us to go home.  We all piled in to our black honda civic.  Carson was driving, I in the passenger seat, and the twins in the back. 

“Can we stop at Mcdonalds?”  called Chance from the back

“Fine but only cause it will be your last meal as soon as mom and dad find out about today.” Joked Carson

Driving through the drive-thru of McDonalds we all put in our orders.  I got a McChicken and a large coke. 

Getting home Mom was waiting outside by Greg, our valet, tapping her foot on the concrete ground.

“Chance Thompson what were you thinking?”

Carson, Chase, and I went into the house and walked upstairs to our rooms.  I dropped my bags off in my room and then checked my phone.  I had a text message from Megan, my best friend.

Megan and I have grown up together.  She lives like five minutes from my house.  Our moms were best friends and when we were born we were automatically best friends.  We almost had no choice.  We are the same age yet she acts like she is still in eighth grade.  She thinks that I don’t know that she has had the hugest crush on my older brother Cole for about our whole lives yet, she thinks that I don’t know.

Casey, I’m coming over in like twenty minutes.  See ya soon skank.

Megan always had a way with words.  She thought it was cool if we called each other names like bitch, skank, or slut.  I loved her either way.

“Case, what are we doing this weekend?” Megan asked with a bored look

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