Where Did All Those Years Go?

Start from the beginning

"You just want to be back there, don't you?" He said quietly. I nodded.

"How do you know she's waking up?" Ray asked.

"Her heart rate increased and you can see here eyelids twitching." Mama Ross answered. I smiled again, knowing the girl I loved will be able to hold a conversation in the matter of minutes. She's going to be okay.

"That's great! How long before she opens her eyes?" Gee asked.

"Any minute now. Her heart rate increased a few hours ago and her eyelids started fluttering about an hour ago. We waited to call you until we were positive she's waking up." She said.

"I've got to go check on another patient; I'll be back in a few minutes. Okay, Ms. Ross?" The doctor asked, stepping out from behind the curtain. I didn't even know he was back there.

"Okay, Doctor Walters. I'll be here." Mama Ross said to the doctor as he walked away from us.

"So, Frank, how's Jamia?" Mama Ross asked Frank, making him blush. I never thought I'd see the day Frank Iero blushes over a girl. Frank and Jamia have been dating for maybe about two weeks, and we're all messing with him about it. Or, just giving him a taste of his own medicine. Whichever you prefer to call it.

"She's good. Thanks for asking." He said back, trying not to blush more than he already was. We all laughed at him.

And the next thing that was said made my heart fill with happiness.

"Mom?" Christina asked from behind the curtain. Her voice was raspy and quiet. A few days ago, I never thought I'd hear her voice again. To actually hear her sweet voice again made me feel so happy and relieved.

Mama Ross quickly ducked back in behind the curtain, sliding it shut behind her.

"Hi, Christina, sweetie. I'm so glad you're awake." Mama Ross said quietly. I looked at Gerard, Frank and Ray, and their smiles made me smile more than I already was.

But, what Chris said next made my heart break.

"Mom, how's Dad? Is he okay?" Chris asked, her voice stronger.

Oh no. She's asking about her dad. But, her dad died six years ago.

"Oh shit." I said out loud. I looked over at the guys to see their expression mirroring mine.

Does she not remember her dad dying? If she doesn't remember that, then what else doesn't she remember?

Did Chris lose her memory?

*Christina's POV*

I struggled to open my eyes. When I finally did, the bright lights hurt, but it helped that it was dark outside.

I'm in a hospital bed. Why am I in a hospital bed?

I looked to my right to see a pile of clothes and a vase full of lilies sitting on the nightstand.

My dad must have been here. He always brings me lilies.

But, I remember that my Dad had a heart attack that was brought on from his heart disease. It put him in the hospital.

I saw my Mom standing with her back to me, talking to someone on the other side of the curtain. Her hair had a lot of gray in it. More than I remember.

"Mom?" I said. My voice felt like I haven't used it in weeks. It sounded like pure sandpaper.

My mom turned around and slid the curtain shut so I didn't see who she was talking to.

"Hi, Christina, sweetie. I'm so glad you're awake." She said. The fact that I'm awake is the last thing that's on my mind right now. My Dad is probably dying.

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