The Action Section

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The action section was one of the most popular sections. It was the second to smallest room and the most common. The walls were basically filled with comic books, but the room was split in half; comic books on one side and novels on the other. It was also one of the most unorganized sections because-no offense to men-usually one of the guys call dibs on fixing it up, and they pretty much get distracted by the comics and stuff.

"Where do we look?" Scotty asked.

"Everywhere." I shrugged.

He looked at me and widened his eyes, "Are you seriously fucking saying that you don't even have an idea where one of these books are?"

I nodded, "Welcome to the team."

"Anybody know how many books are in here?" Evan asked as he started looking through the nearby comic books.

"As far as I know, there's one." Delirious answered, "I've seen him walk in but never come back out."

I nodded, "Okay so ha-"

"No, there's three." Brock said.

We all looked at him surprised and all said, "What?" At the same time.

He nodded, "I know there are three because I see them walk out sometimes. I've only talked to one, but I never got his name."

I breathed and there was a moment of silence. I walked to the middle of the room, turned back to the group of men and motioned to everything while saying, "Where the fuck can you hid three books in here?"

I tried not to yell, but it was a bit louder that I intended.

After a little, Evan said, "Y/N, there's comic books and those are just a few peaces of paper stapled together. It'll be easy to hide those."

I sighed, realizing he was right, "Alright, I say half should look at the novels and the other half look at the comic books. Deal?" Everyone nodded. I went over to the novel side and looked at everyone else looked confused, like they didn't know which side to go to. "That means, split up." I added.

They scrambled to a side and it was soon even. Scotty, Tyler, Delirious, and Evan took the comic book side and Arlan, Ohm, and Brock joined me on the novel side.

We looked and looked but still didn't find anything. I looked at the clock and saw we wasted fifteen minutes already. "Does it always take this long to find a book?" Scotty asked.

"Pretty much." I answered looking on the bottom shelf of the last bookcase with novels on it. "It's like finding a needle in a hay-"

I stopped when I saw something behind some of the books. I raised an eyebrow as I reached for it. By the feel of it, it was a comic book, but why was it lined against the wall of the back of the shelf. I slid it out of its spot and saw that it had the terminator on the front.

I felt my entire face scrunch up with confusion. The kind of looked like the terminator, but he looked younger, had dark brown hair, and blue eyes. He was in a flying position, flying away from a city with his rocket shoes and looked very heroic and happy even though half his face was missing and replaced by an exoskeleton plus a red light type thing where the eye should be. Above the illustration was the words "Terroriser" in a shiny font that bounced off the lights. The thing that really got my attention was the fact that it didn't have a company brand on it.

"I found one." I said, but I sounded doubled. I turned and saw Scotty holding a book as well.

From the looks of it, it looked like a comic book. He motioned for us to go his way, so we did. I looked at the comic book he had and it was stranger than the one in my hands.

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