The Kids Section

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"You want my shift?" Jennie raised an eyebrow, "Why?"

"I just need the hours." I explained, "Plus, I feel like, I should train the newbie."

Evan looked at her hopefully, knowing she can't see him.

"He called in." She said.

"Oh." I said looking away.

Evan's face fell.

"Well," She said, filling us back up with hope, "I did want to go play with Sark."

"Doesn't he get mad when you don't call him his real name?" I laughed.

"Yeah, that's why I call him Sark." She laughed too, but it soon stopped, "Sure."

Evan cheered and I smiled, "Thank you so much."

She shrugged, "It's no problem, I know you're trying to save up some money for a new house."

"Okay," I said and stepped behind the counter, "I'll write down that you called in sick and that you couldn't make it."

I quickly wrote it down and Jennie swung her purse over her shoulder.

"Are you sure you can handle this whole library?" She joked.

"Yeah," I said rolling up my sleeves, "I'll be fine."

"As you wish." Jennie said, walking to the exit.

"Have a nice night with Scott!" I yelled to her. (I honestly don't know his real name)

She turned before she left and said, "I will. You have fun working by yourself!"

When she left, Evan whispered into my ear.

"You're not alone."

His breath was deadly cold on the back of my neck, so I whipped my head around and looked at him confused.

"Why'd you do that?"

He looked at me, genuinely confused, "Do what?"

"You whis-You know what, never mind," I said, "let's go find your friends."

I started walking to the main hallway while Evan followed me.

"Can we go to the kids section first?" Evan asked, "My friend, Brock, has been here the longest."

"Sure." I said, walking to the first doorway.

I turned on the light and was soon blinded by the bright colors of the books, small chair and tables, and walls. The one that really stood out was the wall with the fake sunset that went from a blush pink to a sun yellow to a jean blue.

"Okay," I said, walking onto the colorful, patterned carpet, "which ones his book?"

"I don't know," Evan said, "I didn't even know what book I was in."

"Are you seriously saying he could literally be in any of these books," I motioned to the whole room, "and you don't even know a general idea of where it could be?"

He made a thinking face and looked over to the biggest chair in the room, where adults read to the kids. It had an eagle on the back of it that seemed to fly with every rock.

We used to pay people to read to the kids, but now it's just a volunteer thing.

"Probably somewhere over there." He said pointing to it.

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