The Romance Section

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I walked in there and looked around. I swear to god, if the guy or guys I rescue it going to flirt with me the whole time, I'm putting him/them back in the book.

I started to walk around, "Is there one or two people in here?"

"I believe two." Evan said.

"Wait who?" Ohm asked.

I walked into a different part of the section and drained out their voices. I crept through the long, narrow aisles between the bookshelves. I honestly read a lot of romance novels, I just don't like to admit it.

I tried to look for anything out of place, but nothing looked obviously wrong. "Guy do you have any idea what at least one of the books look like?" I asked the boys as I turned the corner to see them looking under beanbag chairs and carpets.

The romance section is made for couples to "read together." There's not tables or regular chairs; just a bunch of love-seats and beanbag chairs. It is a cute idea, but every time I see a young, teenage couple walk in here, I get squeamish.

"One should be pink," Brock said then looked at Evan, "right?"

"I think so." Evan said in a I'm-not-too-sure kind of way.

I nodded and continued to look. After a good fifteen minutes of looking through the bookshelves with no luck, I walked into the main area where the boys were. Ohm was looking behind the curtains, Evan was opening the beanbags and looking through the small, styrofoam balls, Delirious was looking through the cushions on the love-seats, and Brock was on the moveable ladder against the bookshelf on the wall, looking at the top.

"Any luck?" I asked.

They all groaned and stood up straight.

"Why is this so ha-" Delirious stopped himself which made us all walk to him.

He lifted up one side of a love seat that used to be uneven and there stood a book with no author.

It was a black leather book with a white tiger in the middle of roaring on the front. Right above it in simple Times New Roman font, it said, "I AM WILDCAT."

"I am wildcat?" I questioned and looked at the boys, "Why do you all have weird titles?"

"It's our nicknames." Evan explained, "Its what we're most popularly known as."

I nodded and Delirious handed me the book.

"Wait," Brock warned while grabbing two beanbag chairs and carrying them to me, "let's put these behind you so it won't hurt that bad."

I thanked him once he was done, closed my eyes, and took a deep breath. I opened the book and flew back as expected. I landed on the beanbags but shook my head and sat up.

"Hey, you're kind of cute." I heard someone say.

I looked around for the brightest light and stared at it when I found it. The black hearts and white feathers formed zebra like pants and and white shirt with an outline of something on it. Light, fuzzy brown heart-shaped forms of light formed hair and the feathers made a little helmet-like thing over it. Pink tulips grew from two places on the head and inside the outline on the shirt. I was blinded by the bright light once again and soon heard a loud thud. I blinked a few times and looked at the new man in the room. He was very tall, probably around 6"5 or so and had muscles. He had zebra print skinny jeans, a loose white shirt that said "I AM WILDCAT" above and hot pink kitten in a top hat. His light brown hair poked out the top of his white helmet with pink pig ears sotting on the top.

His bright, baby blue eyes roamed around the room and stoped on his friends.

"Hey!" He yelled running at them to hug them.

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