0.8 - i hope you understand

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harry hummed the tune of a song he was writing, jotting down more lyrics as he thought. it'd been a week since he last saw or talked to louis and he thought maybe louis was avoiding him, because, yeah he sorta invaded his privacy when he asked about what happened to his arm, but he didn't think louis would go to the extremes of ignoring him for seven whole days.

and yeah, maybe harry was acting a little attached for only have seeing louis twice, but he still couldn't really wrap his head around the fact that he actually had a friend.

or an ex friend.

they weren't really friends to begin with, harry thought.

his thoughts were suddenly interrupted when he heard a gentle knock at his bedroom door. he threw his legs over the side of his bed and slowly walked over, opening to reveal his mother with a box in her hand.

"package for..." she trailed off, reading the top of the box as if she didn't know her own sons name, before eagerly stating, "harry styles!" which made harry widen his eyes a bit.

package? for him? why would anyone send him a package?

"who's it from?" harry questioned curiously, taking the box from his mum and tilting his head a little to read the information on it.

"i don't know, there was no return address." his mum shrugged, also glaring at the box. harry walked over to his bed, plopping down on it so hard he could hear the springs squeak, and brought the box to his lap.

he cautiously began to open the package, scared of what might pop out, because for all he knows this could be a bomb or something. he didn't know.

his mum remained at her spot in the doorway, leaning against the frame and watching intently as her son opened the box. and when he did, he was confused at what he saw lying at the bottom of the box.

papers. just stacks and stacks of papers, letters to be specific, piled on top of one another, but not very high for it to be a book. maybe about 20 pages or so.

before harry started to flip through the pages, he turned his head to look at a very concerned anne peering from the doorway with her arms crossed in that motherly way.

"it's nothing to be worried about mum." he waved her off, and she nodded, uncrossing her arms and making her way to her room, closing harry's door behind her.

harry then focused his attention back on the letters, reaching out for the first one dated october 13th, 2016. it was only april 2nd, 2017, so these weren't that old, he thought.

he scanned his eyes over the letter,

hey baby bro,

his eyes widened at the first line when he realized the letter was from his sister. he hadn't heard from gemma ever since she went away, which was a little over seven months ago. he had missed her dearly and was so glad that she was sending him letters from wherever she's at. hopefully, she'll explain it as he reads.

this is my first letter to you. it's only been 12 days and i miss you so much. it doesn't really feel the same without you around, you know, being the annoying little brother you are, clingy. that's the word. haha. i'm going to be gone for a while, stuck here at this shithole. i hope you understood why mum did what she did, because honestly i never did. but nonetheless, i love her. and you. so much. and i wish you nothing but the best. til next time.

x gems

"what the fuck?" harry whispered out loud in conplete and utter shock, but only loud enough for him to hear.

what did mum do, harry thought as he scrunched his face up in confusion. his mum never told him anything about what happened to gemma, where she went or why, so harry just figured that maybe it was an adult thing. harry was only 15 at the time, so he wasn't really expecting a thorough explanation of everything that went on, because he knew it wasn't his place to question his mum.

but now he was beyond curious.

before he could get to read the second letter, his phone started to play a tune, landslide by fleetwood mac to be exact, indicating that his phone was ringing. what could he say, he loved stevie nicks.

he didn't even look at the caller id, instead he rapidly placed the phone to his ear and answered.

"h-hello?" harry stuttered through the phone, feeling his heart beats getting faster. his social anxiety was through the roof.

"hey, um, harry? yeah it's louis."

louis. oh, it was just louis. just louis who decided not to speak for harry for a whole damn week and expected harry not to worry about their friendship, or whatever they had. harry didn't mean to, but he was really relying on louis to be his friend. that's all he wanted.

but he didn't say that to him.

"oh. hi louis. what's, um, up?" harry didn't exactly know how to hold a phone conversation, let alone a real conversation. he was just so awkward.

"yeah. nothing. so i was just wondering if maybe i could come over? like right now." he rushed out the last part as if he were in a hurry.

harry ran his fingers through his hair. of course he was gonna let louis come over. he wasn't going to say no because he knew he couldn't. louis was probably going to apologize and then everything would be good between them both and they'd be friends again, just the way harry wanted it. he smiled at just the very thought.

"um, yeah, sure."

"okay, nice. be there in a bit." and then the line went dead.

harry quickly shuffled to clean his room, hiding the box of letters under his bed and purposely leaving his music on his bed, hoping louis would ask about it again.

he wasn't gonna lie, he liked when louis asked him questions about his music, because, not to toot his own horn but, he knew for a fact that he had a pretty decent voice and he wanted to sing for louis one day.

one day, maybe.

its gonna start getting messy. *smirks*

ALSO, major thanks to @sebastianvvxx (why won't it let me tag ahh) for making me three amazing covers for this book, i appreciate it a shitload. and it has given me a lot more motivation to finish this book so you guys can thank him. 😂

til the next update ...


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