0.1 - doctors office

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harry shook his leg anxiously as he waited patiently next to his mum to be called up next. well, as patiently as he could. he had gotten up four times in the last 10 minutes; once to get a water from the machine, another time to wash his hands, and twice to use the toilets,

even though he didn't really use the toilets. he just needed an excuse to get up. he was bored and exhausted and he just wanted to go home. they had been sitting in the doctors office for over an hour, waiting and waiting.

when anne had realized her son was rapidly shaking his legs, she put a hand on his knee and traced small circles on his skin through the hole in his jeans. she looked up at him and gave him a small smile.

and it stopped. the shaking. but only for his left leg. his right one kept on bouncing.

harry glanced up at the clock on the wall. 6 minutes had passed since he'd last gotten up. and that was a record for him, really. he could never seem to stay seated for long.

"mum," harry whined, scrunching his face as if this was the most agonizing thing he ever had to sit through. he let out a deep sigh, running his fingers through his hair.

"i know, sweetheart. just a few more minutes." she tried to reassure him. he nodded his head slowly before getting up again. anne let her hand drop from his knee as harry started to walk away.

"bathroom," he called back to his mum. she gave him a small thumbs up before settling her attention on the tv that was in the corner.

when harry entered the small, three stalled bathroom, he stared at his reflection in the large half bodied mirror for a second before actually heading to the urinals. this time, he was actually going to use the bathroom.

soon after, he heard the door open and close loudly and he hurriedly tried to finish peeing. and he did.

he didn't like to be around anyone that wasn't his mother, and being that his mum wasn't able to come into the men's restroom with him, he had to do it himself. it was one of the things he hated the most.

and besides, he was a big boy. big boys didn't need their mums.

but harry always did. and he hated that, too.

as harry was looking down to fix the zipper on his jeans, so he could rush to wash his now trembling hands, he felt himself bump into a small figure. way smaller than his larger frame.

"oops," harry whispered, almost barely audible. he slowly raised his head so his eyes could meet the other persons, and when they did, his voice hitched in his throat.

harry had never seen a real life ocean.

but staring into this persons crystal blue eyes, he thought he'd just did.

"hi." the voice spoke ever so sweetly. harry's mouth instantly dried up as the shorter boy smiled at him, softly, as if harry was the most precious thing he'd ever laid his gorgeous, piercing blue eyes on.

the lad shook his chestnut brown hair so that it would fall just perfectly on the side of his face, not completely covering his eye but barely. the way he flipped his hair was beautiful, harry thought.

harry hadn't realized it before but the boy was wearing a warm grey sweater with blue skinny jeans and a pair of white converse that were surprisingly super white and super clean.

harry could never keep his things in order.

the air in here was getting too clogged and harry suddenly felt like he couldn't breathe; like his lungs were trapped or something. he started to panic a bit, too. he didn't smile back at the lad and lowered his head some more before he side stepped the other boy and escaped from the bathroom. he didn't even bother to wash his hands, he'd just use sanitizer later,

he just needed to get out of that restroom and back with his mum.

he had gotten back rather quickly and as if on cue, his name was called up. he saw his mum standing next to the doctor at the entrance, both of them waving their hands signaling him to hurry up. and he did.

anne gently placed her arm around her sons head and kissed it several times before harry pulled away so they could follow the doctor.

he didn't know what it was, but there was definitely something about the small, blue eyed boy.


i am SO sorry this is a terrible first chapter. this is my first larry fic so idk how im doing. leave some feedback? what do you guys think? thanks. i'll update when theres maybe like 5 votes haha.

ps. i know the cover is HORRIBLE right now just bare with me

broken • larry stylinsonDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora