0.7 - or i can come to you

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new imessage from: louis
it's louis

harry read the text over a hundred times. it was just 2 simple words, why was he getting so antsy? he didn't know what to respond with and he's tried a bunch of different texts, before immediately erasing them all and starting over again. why was he making this harder than it needed to be, harry thought. he swallowed hard before typing in another set of words.

new imessage to: louis
hi louis it's harry x

no, harry, you're so dumb, harry thought. of course louis knew it was harry, who else would he be texting? and the stupid x, why did he sign it off like that? harry powered his phone back on, bringing up louis' texts again.

new imessage to: louis

and fuck, what was he apologizing for? and now he's double texted louis already, back to back, in a time span of about 2 minutes, and louis still hasn't responded.

this is why, harry thought, this is why he can't make friends. because he's just so fucking awkward all the time and he overthinks everything.

but, nonetheless, his phone vibrated in his hand and he waited a few minutes before actually opening the text. he squinted his eyes at it, because deep on the inside,
he didn't want to see what it said.

new imessage from: louis
haha i know

not even 2 seconds after, another text rolled in.

and it's okay i double text too x

and, yeah, okay that made harry feel slightly better about being a double texter and the fact that louis signed his off like that, too, made harry feel better also. he smiled to himself, just as he phone vibrated in his hand yet again

are u busy?

louis was asking harry if he was busy? why? did he want to meet up somewhere? or maybe want harry to go to his house? harry couldn't do that, he really couldn't, his mum had finally come home about an hour ago and he had finally started to ease up.

if anything, louis could come to his house, but he didn't know if he could do that either.

new imessage to: louis

which wasn't a lie. he wasn't busy, he never was. he didn't really have much of a life, if you ask him. everything he'd done was either with his mum or not done at all. so, yeah, he wasn't busy.

from: louis
maybe you could come over?

and, yeah okay, harry was kinda sorta maybe smiling at the fact that louis wanted him to come over his house after only two encounters with each other but, he couldn't. he hated that he couldn't, but he couldn't.

from: louis
if that's okay with your mum

louis texted back.

and you.

harry felt bad for not replying to louis' texts but how was he supposed to tell him that -- no, he couldn't come over his house because he has really bad separation anxiety and he's a fucking baby and can't go 2 minutes without seeing his mum's face or he'll start to panic. he chewed at his lip, hovering his fingers over the keyboard.

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