Musically Challenged

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"Well," I shook my head, "I'm not really looking-"

"It's just one date, Lauren." Kyla snorted with a smile.

"You'll be with Mila and I," Austin pulled her closer to him. "What do you think babe? Sounds like fun, right?"

Camila cleared her throat, her chocolate eyes focused on me as she sucked on her bottom lip. "It's really up to Lauren. I wouldn't pressure her into it though."

I grinned and mouthed a 'thank you'.

"Oh come on Lauren, you've been here for nearly three months and that's so unlike you to be going on without a girl, like that." Austin laughed. "Whatever happened to your late night one night stands? Left that Lauren back home?"

My eyes widened in shock. Oh my God. I couldn't believe he just said that at a table full of people.

Camila's eyes looked at me with a slight frown. "One night stands?"

"Even if you two don't hit it off, you could just give her a good time in the sack and call it a night, yea?" Austin snickered.

"Fuck Austin, is that all you ever think about?" Camila turned around and elbowed him. "Not everything has to be about sex."

"Clearly." He coughed and rubbed his side. "Damnit Camila, I know you like to be a little rough sometimes but let's try to keep it in the bedroom?"

"Put some fucking ice on it." Camila said angrily and shoved him out of the booth, making her way to the bathroom.

"Nice one fuck up." I spat and followed Camila. Once inside, I noticed she was leaning against the wall, picking at her shirt sleeve.

"Did you really sleep with that many people?" She looked up at me, unshed tears forming in her eyes. "And please be honest."

I swallowed and stepped forward, grabbing her hands with mine and pulled in her for a hug. "I," I sighed and pulled back, "none of them mattered. But yes, I wasn't exactly commitment material."

"Oh." Her mouth formed the perfect 'o' and I felt my heart fall. Clearly she was hoping Austin was lying. "I'm not... one of them, am I?"

I stepped back in shock. "No Camila!" I said in a hushed voice. "I've never ever felt like this before. Never. I am so completely in love with you." I noticed a blush creeping on her face and internally sighed with relief. "Baby," I cupped her face and brushed my lips over her forehead, "you're the only one that ever matters to me. I'm yours."

Camila blinked, a few tears finally falling from her eyes. "I'm yours."

I smiled and sighed against the soft skin of her cheek. "We should get back out there."

I didn't want too. I so didn't want too.

"Yeah, can you just give me a second?" Camila stepped back slightly and kissed me. "I'm blotchy and I want to compose myself."

I nodded, understanding. "I'll be out there, waiting." I squeezed her hand and walked out.

"Is she okay?" Sofi asked, still glaring at Austin. "Fucker doesn't know when to shut the fuck up." She muttered.

"Sofia!" Kyla's eyes went wide. I couldn't help but smirk a little at the young Cabello's outburst.

"Just shut up." Austin shook his head, looking at the brown eyed girl.

"You shut up!" Sammy spoke up. I whipped my head around to look at her. Okay, she was defending Sofi.

Whatever. There were no fucking guitar lessons. Baby Cabello has been holding out on me!

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