14|| Kristina

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@kristinaperic26: I love modeling and Adym ;)
Liked by justinbieber, last_mann, kyliejenner and 65,325 others.

@kyliejenner: DAMN GIRL! 😍

@last_mann: That's my baby, message me back when you get the chance! We have a lot to discuss about for next weekend.

@kaykay4: She is really pretty....Jealous

@daiy.reed: You really upset the last fam

@last_kristina: You will have haters. Why? Because you are one gorgeous woman and people cannot stand that they do not look like you. Adym loves you and that is all that matters. If his fans hate you, they are not real fans of him. 

@pamxox: Seriously, he can do so much better than you and he deserve way better than someone who just puts her body out there for the world to see.

@peric.fan: Honesty guys, there is no reason to hate her. If Adym likes her then let her like her. She is what is making him happy and he is making her happy. Leave these two love birds alone.

@itsnickbean: @last_mann damn dog, you got one hot chick

@giliancrue: Are you anorexic? 



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