The Kraken tired to hug our ship

Beginne am Anfang

"I'll send Father an Iris message and see." Hazel responds going to leave the room as there is a sudden golt which knocks half of us to the floor.

"Are you okay?" Nico asks helping me regain my balance.

"I'm fine, stop fussing. We need to find out what in Hades name is out there." I pushed him towards the cabin door as we rush to get above deck.

"Ugh, Guys you might wanna check this out...but whatever you do...Don't move too quickly till someone comes up with a plan!" Leo panicked. That when I saw the large tentacles hanging above us at least twenty feet into the heavens.

"Kraken" Percy and I say in unison.

We all stand on deck staring up into the sky mesmerized by fear and uncertainty. Searching my memory to figure out the best strategy.

"The tentacles! Leo were gonna need some fire, aim at the tentacles watch where they more and counteract them. Percy, Jason, Piper there should be some Greek fire near the cannons load some in and aim at the tentacles as the more away from the ship! Everyone else form distractions till the beast reveals itself from the water, the we shoot it in the eye blind it and give ourselves enough time to escape! And no matter what do not let it get you!" I inform the others.

"I'm not moving from your side" Nico claimed to which I give him a stern look.

"I'm pregnant not a moron. Plus I'll be out of harms way...I have Meleager he'll protect me. So go! We need to beat this thing so we can get on with finding Prometheus and hopefully Hera."

"Guys save the domestic for later can we get on with fighting the bloody Kraken!" Piper yelled as a tentacle knocked Nico off his feet, sending him sliding across the deck.

"I hate being at sea" he muttered aggressively.

As the tentacle came back towards me, Leo managed to hit it away with a blast of fire. While Hazel and Piper loaded up a catapult like contraption with Greek fire. Blasting a further two tentacles away from the ship but it only seemed to aggravate the beast. Causing the waves to become restless and rock the ship even more. In a state of pure panic I around to find Percy. Surely with the kraken being a sea monster one of us could surely tame the beast? Or maybe I was just being overly hopeful that our father could provide us with a little leeway.

"Percy!" I yell across to him but he doesn't hear me over the crashing of the waves against the ship.

Around us chaos was unfolding and I was running out of ideas that could save us from becoming lunch. Meleager looked to me we a tilted head as though he was waiting for instructions. My mind was racing and I couldn't seem to find the right words. If I didn't act soon my friends were all going to become a main course. With the combination of constant waves crashing over the ship from the aggression of the kraken to the dodging of waving tentacles everyone looked exhausted. The fire wasn't tiring the beast out, only making matters worse, the ticking of the ship meant we couldn't make an accurate hit.

Suddenly a bizarre idea popped into my head.

Nico's POV

Within the chaos of the kraken attack I struggled to keep an eye on Soph while defending our friends. In between waves and jumping out of the way of giant tentacles I found her. Frozen in the middle of the ship but magically avoiding contact with the battle that was unfolding on deck and that's when it started.

Out of no where, like a siren Soph started dining this hypnotic melody. As Meleager flew from her shoulder growing  larger the higher he flew. As she sang the kraken stopped fighting and holted its assault on the ship. Flowing the beast's lead the sea began to calm and the ship began to move forward again. Each of us stood in awe and wonder at Soph who continued to sing as we sailed away from damager, meleager flying above us like a giant guard dog.

Everyone was excited to have escaped with our lives and ship intact but I couldn't shake the feeling something was up as Soph remained frozen in her place at the Center of the ship. I called over to her but got no reply. Slowly the others noticed something was up as well.

"Sophia?" Piper queried.

I carefully approached her, being careful not to scare her as made my way around to look her in the eye. That's when I noticed her eyes were completely glazed over.  Glowing white. Almost souless. Fixed on the horizon.

"Soph?" I asked placing my hand on hers in minute our skin contacted the glow vanished and the singing stopped.

"Nico?" Soph questioned horsely. It was like in that moment all her energy left her body and she collapsed into my arms. Completely limp.

"Don't just stand there someone help me!" I screamed to the others.

Hey so sorry for the year long delay on updates, things got hectic with college and I got locked out of wattpad for a while but hoping to get back a semi decent posting schedule and finish this story cause I do genuinely love this concept and wanna see it through. Sorry for delay. As always apologise for all my typos I will get around to finishing them this chapter has been in drafts for over a year since the last time I posted so hopefully it'll tie you all over until I get to reread the past chapters do some edits and find my old notes for this story and start some new chapters.

Xx daughter of Athena, A.

Waves and Bones (A Nico di Angelo love story)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt