Use Kindness as a Weapon.

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Your point of view.....

I walk down with Negan,  unknown of the destination.  I look at Negan, he is pissed as hell.  I sigh and look down the hall. Negan turns to a door and opens it, his wives. I enter in slowly, as all of his wives are looking at me. I flash a smile to them all and wave, trying to get the gloomy vibe out. Negan looks at me, "There is the positive girl I was looking for!" I smile still, wanting to punch his in the fucking balls. "Don't mind my niece, she is just hanging out with me. Making up for lost time." One of his wives invited me to sit next to her. I walk over there confidently and sit next to her. She was black, her boobs almost fell  out of her dress I swear, but she seemed friendly.

"Hey, what's your name?"

"(y/n)." I replied happily.

She smiled widely, "Good to know there is still a happy spirit around."

"Who ever said I was happy?" I responded, "I can promise you I'm not happy."

"You know when you came in here, smiling, you made the room not as tense.Maybe use that fake happiness.." She started whispering, "Against Negan. He has to be soft somewhere."

I never really though of it like that, kindness is a weakness at this point. Maybe I can make my kindness someone elses weakness. "(y/n), lets go." Negan said and I stood up smiling and nodded at the woman, thanking her. She smiled and waved goodbye.

"Negan, I wanted to say sorry for being snotty. I'm not sorry for what I said, but how I said it."

Negan closed the door and looked at me. I smiled at him and he looked at me questionably.

"What the hell are you trying to say?" Negan questioned, slightly angered.

"I am sorry, Negan." I smiled at him. He looked away from me and started walking, "So, tell me, how did you run into Rick's group?"

"Oh, I didn't run into the group, I ran into Carl. I saved him from a walker." He nodded, "Why you ask?"

He didn't respond and I just smiled more.

All I could think was to try to break him down.

Eyy guys! Sorry for the crappy update, but i haven't had a lot of time to update and I don't know when I will update next. So sorry for the long waits. Thanks for reading and remember to vote!

I Can't Survive On My Own... (Carl Grimes x Reader) ;Book 2;Where stories live. Discover now