Chapter 18

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Today was another greenie day so all of the Gladers were gathered around the box after hearing the alarm ring through the Glade. Newt had his hand laced with mine while we hovered over the box, sharing predictions as to what this greenie would be like.

"I'm not the greenie anymore," Chuck smiled up at me. He came last month and was our youngest Glader. In the short time, he became like my little brother and grew almost as close to me as I was with Newt or even Minho.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and since he was a whole head shorter, I rested my chin on top of his head.

Once the box arrived, Gally was the first person to jump into the box considering it was his turn to greet the greenie.

The boy at the bottom looked completely confused, like all of us did when we woke up. His hair was a dark color and longer than some of the other boys who arrived, some of it sticking to his forehead from sweat or water. He was a relatively attractive guy compared to others and was fit surprisingly under his shirt. Nonetheless, he was nothing like Newt.

The first thing Gally said to the boy was, "Day one greenie. Rise and shine," as he pulled the boy to his feet. It took a minute or two to get the boy out of the box thanks to a few of the builders but once he was above ground, he looked up at everyone in panic. All the boys around made rude comments until I hit a few over the head.

"Looks like a klunk in a t-shirt."

"You're the slint-head, shank."

"He's definitely a slopper."

"It smells like feet down there."

Suddenly, the boy scrambled to his feet and took off running. The boys around all cheered for the greenie as he dashed towards the other side of the glade as if he thought there would be some exit for him.

"We got a runner!" Zart laughed at the boy as he reached the middle of the length of the Glade only for him to trip over something and tumbled clumsily to his face. The rest of us laughed at him and cheered him on for his attempt at escaping the inescapable Glade. Three boys ran over and helped lift the boy off the ground to carry him to the pit where he was tossed inside.

Newt, myself and a few other Gladers stayed back to help with inventory at the box. The boys would lift the items out of the box and into their designated areas while I made the check list of everything that had arrived. This took over an hour to do while Alby gave the new boy the tour like he did every time. We had just finished when Gally took the board and inspected my work.

"Hey slinthead. I did it right," I teased and hit him over the head. He just smirked and continued reading.

"I don't like this greenie," he grumbled, looking to the new boy standing in the center of the Glade.

Laughing, I replied, "You just don't like him cause he ran. Give him some time." Glancing at the greenie, I continued. "Y'know I wanna meet this shank."

"Well then, love, Let's go," Newt offered, holding his hand out for me. I took it and walked with him towards our leader and newest Glader.

We let our hands sway together as we approached the boys.

Once we were in earshot, Newt called out, "You alright, Alby?"

Laughing, Alby turned his attention to the two of us. "Green bean, meet Newt. He's in charge when I'm not around."

"Good thing you're always around then," Newt chuckled while shaking the boys hand.

Chuckling at Newt's joke, Alby further explained, "and this is his girl."

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