Chapter 16

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I suddenly became aware of my surroundings through closed eyes. I was awake and could feel where I was though my eyes wouldn't open yet. I knew I was on a cot with a thin sheet over my body, a hand clasped around mine rubbing over my skin. I tried moving but it was as if my body was fighting back.

"Newt you need to eat," a voice said to my right. Newt, who I'm assuming was the one holding my right hand, stopped rubbing.

"I did eat. I already heard the story Minho. I need to eat to help my ankle," Newt spat almost aggressively.

"When did this Glade become so shucked up? First her, then you lose it," Minho sighed.

I pushed myself with everything I had to move an inch of my body, even a finger twitch would work. I needed to give him a sign. Some sign indicating I was alive. But nothing. I was still too weak.

"She's my everything Minho. I lost it because I'm loosing her. She'll never love me again even if she does wake up," Newt sighed just as a tear drop fell onto my hand.

"Newt don't say that. She'll love you just as much if not more than when you fell. You're her whole world Newt. Stop pushing her away." Minho spoke passionately about what he was saying but it ended a second after when I heard his footsteps leave. I was gonna try again.

I pushed my hand, conjuring every ounce of energy into my hand to tighten around his hand. It moved. It actually moved. I knew for a fact I was certain it moved when I heard a soft gasp beside me.

"Darling? (Y/N) please wake up. I know it hurts but open your eyes darling. I need you love. Please come back to me," Newt pleaded. This was all it took for my body to wake up.

My eyes opened first before my lips parted, drawing in a fresh breath. My eyes darted around the ceiling before a face blocked it: Newt's.

"She's awake!" He screamed to the door before cupping my cheeks. I couldn't move much except to grow a smile on my lips as I noticed him across from me.

"You're alive. Oh my god I thought I lost you. I love you so much," Newt cried, his lips pecking wet kisses to my hand. I lifted my hand to his hair, that being the only motion I could do.

"Newt," I breathed, finding it hard to lift my hand.

"Give her space. She'll be very weak. I'm surprised she can even move her hand," Clint said running into the room. I just stared at the ceiling as I dug my hands into the bed and pushed.

"Woah love," Newt said beside me while he helped me sit upright and look around.

"Stupid question but are you alright?" Clint asked. I closed my mouth and nodded. "Give it an hour and you'll be able to move more but uh... (Y/N) your ankle."

"Wh-what about it?" I croaked not having a voice through my dry throat.

"When the griever got you, it uh... snapped the bone. You can walk, yes, but you'll limp. This also means..." Clint trailed off looking to Newt.

Finishing his thought, I croaked, "I can't run." Clint just nodded and whispered an apology before leaving the hut.

"Love," Newt whispered from where he sat on the bed. I couldn't help the tear rolling down my cheek when I looked at him.

I couldn't run. From what I heard, I can barely walk straight now too. How could Newt ever love someone with a limp? A pathetic girl with an everlasting injury. A girl who would need help doing simple tasks. A useless girl.

"Can you hold me? I'm sorry I can't move," I whined knowing every part of me ached and moving was not an option anymore. He quickly lifted me off the bed and placed me in his lap. He pulled my arms around his neck, finding enough strength to hold them around him while he hugged my torso.

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