Chapter 4

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Halfway through the day, I had already gagged a hundred times and almost lost a finger twice. However, Winston seemed unfazed as he told me about a few of the fallen gladers and the background of the glade.

"Mark, grab me that knife," Winston called to the boy came around the corner. Apparently, there was fresh blood on the floor since the boy slipped and as he fell his knife, he lodged the knife he was holding directly in my leg.

I felt the pain first as it burned through my skin. Instinctively, my eyes sealed shut as I fell to the floor on my knees.

"Oh shuck (Y/N)!" Winston yelled and dropped with me to the floor.

"I'm so sorry (Y/N)!" Mark screamed through the room.

"Its okay. Can you just get me up?" I spoke calmly, trying not to make a scene on my first day at a job and clutched onto the metal table beside my head.

"I'll take you to Jeff," Winston stated and slipped one hand under my arms and the other under my knees.

He carried me slowly to the Med-hut with different eyes starring at me yet only a few whispered amongst each other. I gripped onto my leg as I kept my eyes and mouth shut.

"(Y/N)!" I heard Newt yell when I finally reached the inside of the Med-hut.

Winston set me on a bed and instructed me to lie down but I propped myself up on my elbows. Jeff and Newt came running into the room with two different expressions.

"What happened?" They yelled synchronized as the each came to one of my sides, Newt being on my right and Jeff on my left.

"Mark slipped and accidentally stabbed her," Winston said bringing his nails into his teeth.

"Newt please hold her down. This is gonna hurt like hell," Jeff instructed as I laid on my back and let my eyes wander to Newt. He looked unbelievably worried so I grabbed his hand and laced our fingers, for both of our sakes.

"Just look at me love," he instructed and peered over me. With my right hand, the one not laced with his, I scrunched up the hood of his hoodie as Jeff placed one hand on my thigh and the other on the knife handle.

"Sorry," Jeff whispered and ripped the knife from my leg. I chewed my lip as the white hot pain spread through my leg in pulsating waves. I gripped onto Newt as tight as I could with my eyes still sealed shut.

"I need you to take her jeans off," Jeff ordered as my eyes opened and I was propped back on my elbows.

"What the bloody hell do you need that for?" Newt demanded obviously enraged.

"I can't sew her up if the jeans are in the way," he argued.

Tired of the searing pain in my leg, I hissed through clenched teeth, "Just cut the jeans. I'll live just please it hurts." My hands were still gripping to Newt for dear life.

"Fine by me," Jeff whispered again and took our a pair of scissors and cut a large square out of the fabric.

"It's okay love. You'll be fine," Newt cooed with his eyes darting from my leg to my eyes.

"Does this mean I don't have to be a slicer?" I panted.

He chuckled with a huge grin as he cupped my check with his free hand. "Yes you're not going to be a slicer."

"Good that," I said proud of myself for using their glader terms.

"Ready?" Jeff asked as I nodded and rested my head back down.

As soon as the needle pierced my skin, I winced and pulled Newt a tiny bit closer to me. The ache in my leg slowly became a deep numb feeling as my eyes became heavy.

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