Chapter 12

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They buried her the next day. Newt stayed with me at the table that I hadn't moved from in a day while they held the small ceremony in the deadheads. The ceremony was the same as it would have been had it been any of Glader, except Zart placed a small flower on the ground by the stump labeled "Beatrice".

The boys had all came back to the tables for breakfast when I decided to leave. Everything felt so numb and unfortunately the boys weren't making it any better, yet I knew she wouldn't want this for me. She would want me to be Strong.

Newt was rubbing my back when I spun around and wrapped my arms around his neck. He hugged me back while I held onto the back of his head.

"I love you," I whispered although my voice was horse. I hadn't drank anything or talked in a day so it wasn't all that surprising.

"I love you too. Are you hungry?" Nodding, I realized I couldn't stay frozen forever in grief.

He took my hand and slowly let me stand up. I intertwined our fingers as we walked through the crowd of boys to the kitchen.

"Hi Fry," I smiled as he handed me food.

"Hi (Y/N). Didn't think you were ever gonna move," he chuckled but Newt instantly glared at him.

"I can't mope around forever," I said taking Newt's hand back. He squeezed it as we walked back to the table. I placed my stuff down just as Minho came running over.

He seemed mighty nervous as he started sputtering, "(Y/N) I'm so sorry. I know I-" he froze when I pulled him into a hug.

"Thank you for trying. I don't blame you Minho." He accepted my thanks and allowed both of us to sit in our designated places.

"How're ya feeling shank?" He asked, causing me to smile. This is what I wanted. I didn't want people walking on eggshells around me. I wanted things back to normal, or as normal as I could be with the emptiness that only she could fill.

"I'm starving," I said clinging to Newt. "I just wanna run again."

Sighing, Newt set down his fork to give me his attention. "(Y/N) I don't think that's a good idea."

"Guys please don't do this," I begged before they furrowed their eyebrows. "Don't think that now I'm just gonna hide away working as a Track-hoe. I'm the same girl I was three days ago just... sadder."

"Okay. We just care about you," Minho smiled and I was barely able to return it.

"And I appreciate it but I'll tell you if I need you to worry."

I was gonna be okay. I had my boys still. I wasn't alone, I was just the only girl again, something I was obviously used to and could get used to again.


Another three months went by until I could feel utter happiness once again. Zart and I mourned her death but quickly held ourselves strong, knowing there wasn't anything we could do. She was gone but we still needed to fight for our way out of the maze.

Tonight was a bonfire night so Newt and I were preparing the wood for the fire. He was helping me carry the wood as we walked and talked like usual. Occasionally we would mention Bea but a while ago Zart asked a favor, he asked us to forget about her. Forget she ever existed in the glade. He said it was easier to move on if he pretended she never existed. Sadly, I agreed.

"Tonight I'm off duty so I can have however many drinks I choose," Newt smirked as I set down the logs. I just laughed and placed my hands on my hips.

"Are you asking me to drink Gally's drink with you?" He placed his hands over my hips, mine gliding up his arms.

"I am. Let's just have a fun night love," he smiled as I placed my head on his chest and wrapped my arms around his torso.

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