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Seven Years Later

Frank made a large breakfast while Gerard went upstairs to wake their four adopted children. Frank and Gerard had first adopted a girl named Bandit Lee, then twins named Lily and Cherry, and last a boy named Miles.

Gerard walked downstairs carrying the young and sleepy Miles with one arm and held Cherry's hand. Bandit and Lily talked about their dreams to each other as they entered the kitchen.

"Good morning, guys. How'd you all sleep?" Frank asked as Gerard sat Miles down on a chair and the other three climbed up into chairs.

"I slept good. I had weird dreams about unicorns, though," Bandit mentioned.

"Yeah, me too," Cherry said.

"I dreamed that we bought a Thomas and puppies!" Lily said, making Frank and Gerard chuckle.

"Did you now?" Frank asked and Lily nodded.

"Miles, what about you?" Gerard asked.

"I dreamed about race cars. Can we get a race car?" Miles asked hopefully.

"No, we can't get a race car. Sorry, kiddo," Frank said, setting a plate of pancakes in front of Miles. All four kids had pancakes and bacon and were eating away.

"What are we going to do today?" Lily asked, taking a bite of bacon.

"Well, daddy and I have to go into work so Uncle Mikey and Aunt Kristin are going to come over and watch you guys," Gerard said.

"When do you have to leave?" Bandit asked.

"We'll have to leave soon, B," Frank said.

"Oh," Bandit responded, taking a sip of her orange juice.

"Will you sing a song before you go?" Cherry asked.

"A song? What song?" Gerard asked.

"I don't know," Cherry said.

"Yeah, sing something!" Bandit joined in.

Frank and Gerard looked at each other and smiled. "Not now because we have to leave soon. Maybe when we get back this evening," Frank said.

"When is this evening?" Miles asked.

"Around five, whenever we get home," Gerard answered. Then, the doorbell rang.

"That's probably Mikey and Kristin," Gerard said. Frank and Gerard walked to the front door and sure enough, it was them.

"Well, we should get going," Frank said.

"Yep. Let's say bye to the kids," Gerard said and they walked back into the kitchen.

"We have to leave, kiddos," Frank said.

"Okay," Bandit said sadly.

"Girls, make sure to practice on the piano for at least twenty minutes today," Gerard said.

"When can I play the piano?" Miles asked.

"We'll start teaching you soon, Miles," Frank said.

"Alright. Bye, guys," Gerard said and him and Frank walked out.

"Isn't it weird to think that about seven years ago we were planning murder?" Frank mentioned as they stepped into their car.

Gerard laughed. "It really is. We definitely aren't like normal families, but I'm glad it ended up this way. We have four amazing kids, a nice house, and a good paying job," Gerard said.

"Not to mention Kristin and Mikey are expecting a baby girl, so we'll soon have a niece," Frank said.

At work, Frank and Gerard walked into their office where Lindsey and Ray were. They were already working hard.

"You guys came in early today," Gerard commented as they walked into their office.

"Yeah. We've got a big case," Lindsey said.

"Really? Give us some details," Frank said.

"We will later. No time right now. Also, your part doesn't come in until later," Ray said.

"You guys also have dork paperwork to fill out that you've been stalling from," Lindsey mentioned. Frank and Gerard exchanged glances.

"Yeah, we'll get on that," Frank said, and they sat down at their desks.

"So, how are the kids?" Ray asked.

"They're doing fine. How's the wife?" Gerard asked.

"She's doing great. Also, I hope you don't mind me asking, but of all the names of the children at the orphanage, you picked a girl named Bandit. I must know the reason," Ray said.

"Well," Gerard began, "We picked Bandit not only because it was a unique name, but also because that's how Frank and I met. We met because we were bandits."

Lindsey looked back at Gerard and smiled. "That's so sweet," She said.

"Yeah," Gerard smiled. "I guess it is."

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