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Frank and Gerard woke up around the same time that morning. Checking his watch, Frank said the time was ten in the morning. Peering outside the boxcar, there wasn't any station or signs of life anywhere.

"Breakfast?" Frank asked, tossing Gerard a Rice Krispie Treat.

"Sure," Gerard smiled and opened it up.

"I wonder where the hell we are," Frank said, taking a bite of his Rice Krispie Treat.

"Yeah, me too. I wish we still had the car. Trains are getting boring," Gerard said.

"And uncomfortable," Frank added in.

"Do you think the police are after us?" Gerard asked.

"Oh yeah, I'm sure of it," Frank said.

"Do you think they know where we are?" Gerard asked.

"Unless Mikey told them, probably not. Plus, they wouldn't suspect us taking a train to Las Vegas, would they?" Frank said.

"True," Gerard said. Standing up to look outside of the boxcar, Gerard froze.

"What is it?" Frank asked.

"Bridge," Gerard said.

"Bridge? How big?" Frank asked. He stood up and looked outside. Sure enough, this bridge traveled across a large lake, and was up very high.

"Move everything over here so it doesn't fall out," Frank said, and that's what they did.

"God, I hate heights," Gerard said, sitting in a corner.

"Heights don't scare me too bad, but when I'm sitting in a boxcar and have a chance of falling out then they do," Frank said.

"I think it's over," Gerard said, crawling over to the door. "Yeah, it's over."

"Oh, look!" Gerard exclaimed. "We're crossing over into Oklahoma already!"

"We are?" Frank asked.

"Yep," Gerard said.

"Did I mention that we only have so many days to complete the task once we reach Vegas?" Frank asked.

Gerard faced Frank and shook his head. "You haven't given me much detail, no," He said.

"Maybe I should, then," Frank said. "We have eight nights once we get to the hotel. At the hotel is where Mr. Toro, the man who hired us, will be giving us all of our information. Then, we'll develop a plan and kill this casino owner," Frank explained to Gerard.

"Only eight nights?" Gerard asked.

"Yes. But it's for a lot of money, and I think we can do it, don't you?" Frank asked.

"I don't know, Frankie. I mean, something this big would take a lot of planning," Gerard said.

"Gerard, while you were locked away I spent months planning this. Mr. Toro said I would need someone to help me, and after meeting Mikey I knew that I would have to use you to help me. I am a mass criminal and I am good at what I do. Of the hundreds of prisoners in that building I picked you, so you should feel special," Frank finished.

Gerard didn't know what to say. He ran a hand through his hair and sighed. "I'm not a murder, Frank," Gerard said.

"Yes you are! You stabbed that police officer!" Frank said.

Gerard shook his head. "You're right. I did, but I regret it. I regret my past and I was trying to change. I-I thought I would act like I was ready for this plan to impress you, but I can't do it anymore, Frankie, I can't. I can't kill another person," He said.

"Gerard," Frank said.

"What?" Gerard asked, slightly annoyed.

"Why didn't you tell me that earlier?" Frank asked.

"I tried to back at your house but you said you'd kill me!" Gerard said.

That's right. Frank threatened to kill Gerard if he didn't go with the plan. But Frank couldn't actually kill him now that they knew each other. Frank looked down at his feet and didn't say anything.

"Frankie?" Gerard croaked out. He was crying, and so was Frank. Frank looked up.

"W-would you actually kill me?" Gerard asked.

Frank shook his head. "No, Gerard. You're the one person I could never kill," Frank said.

"You mean that, Frankie?" He asked.

"Yeah, I mean it, Gee," Frank said.

"You know what?" Gerard asked.

"What?" Frank said.

"I kind of wish neither of us ever got into trouble and we weren't wanted. I wish we were free and could run around and do whatever we wanted, and that we could be together publicly, without the police following us," Gerard said, resting his head on Frank's shoulder.

"A few days ago I would never say that, but now that I've met you, I couldn't agree more," Frank said.

"Frankie, I think the train is slowing down," Gerard pointed out.

"Right," Frank said, grabbing his bag and standing up. "Time to jump," He said and he jumped off the train. Gerard followed.

"Let's walk to a hotel and get a room," Frank suggested.

"Please. I'm dying to sleep in a comfortable bed," Gerard said.

"Hey, Gee, let's hide in these bushes over here," Frank muttered when he spotted a police car at the train station.

"Why?" Gerard asked very loudly. Frank gestured toward the car with his head and then Gerard nodded. They crouched down in a bush and his until the police officer left.

"Let's just find a motel and get something to eat," Frank said as they stood up.

While walking down the road, Frank noticed that Gerard was acting very bubbly and cheerful.

"Frankie, this is exciting," Gerard said.

"What is?" Frank asked, rolling his eyes at the name "Frankie."

"We're going to be a team, now. The two of us will be famous bandits after this. Then we can be a team of two, robbing banks and being hired as personal assassins," Gerard said excitedly.

Frank smiled. "I think we could arrange that," He said.

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