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Mr. Toro paced back and forth in his condo. Gem sat on his couch, frowning.

Gem sighed. "How much longer are we going to keep this up? Gerard keeps calling himself Mikey and we already know that Frank Iero is his partner. Let's just arrest them, already," She said, impatiently.

Mr. Toro shook his head. "No, we can't. Not yet. We don't know for sure if Frank is actually the right guy, and Gerard had changed when he was in prison. Maybe they won't go through with it," He said.

"As long as you pretend to promise them money they will. They show no signs of stopping whatsoever," Gem argued.

"Mr. Brown called me last night and said he talked to two young men. He described them and I can confirm that it was Gerard and Frank," Mr. Toro said.

"What if they do end up killing poor Mr. Brown? Then what will we do?" Gem asked.

"They won't. We'll make sure of it. I've got them under my control and I just want to see how far they will go. If they don't do through with it then I might have them work for us," Mr. Toro said.

"Ray," Gem started, "You can't to that. These guys deserve a fifty year sentence in jail, and you're thinking about making them FBI agents?" She asked.

Mr. Toro sighed. "It's complicated. You see, if they truly do have a change of heart, then we can make them detectives. Frank busted Gerard out of prison by crawling through the air ducts for god's sake!" Mr. Toro said.

Gem sighed. "I suppose. I mean, in person they seem like nice guys. I don't know why they chose to do this with their lives," She said.

Mr. Toro shrugged. "If you're good at it then it's easy money," He said. Gem rolled her eyes and the phone rang.


Frank had called Mr. Toro to ask about a syringe. Gerard called Mikey on another phone.

"Hello?" Mr. Toro's voice said.

"Hey, Raymond, this is Frank. I was wondering if we could get a syringe."

"A syringe? Why?" He asked.

"We've got a clever idea of how we can kill Mr. Brown. If we stick the syringe into one of his veins and push air into it, it will create an air bubble which will go to the heart, cause a heart attack, and he will die. Nobody will know it was murder!" Frank said.

"Okay, okay. I'll get you a syringe. I'll bring it over on a few, alright?" Mr. Toro said.

"Okay. Thanks, Raymond," Frank said and he hung up the phone. At that time, Gerard had walked into the room.

"Have a nice conversation with Mikey?"
Frank asked, walking past Gerard to go into the kitchen.

"Yeah, I mean, it's always nice talking to your brother," Gerard said.

"Can't relate. Don't have one," Frank mentioned.

"I do," Gerard said, making himself some coffee.

"Oh really?" Frank asked sarcastically, making Gerard roll his eyes and smile just a little.

"When are we going to go through with the plan?" Gerard asked.

"I was thinking today. When Mr. Toro brings over the syringe we can go to that casino just down the street and find Mr. Brown," Frank said.

"What exactly is the plan? How will we do it?" Gerard asked, poring coffee into a Las Vegas mug that he had bought at the gift shop in the lobby.

"One of us talks to him and distracts him, and the other puts the needle in," Frank said.

Gerard took a sip of his coffee. "Won't he feel a needle being put into his skin?" He asked.

"Yeah, probably," Frank said, looking at his feet.

"So, what do we do about that?" Gerard asked.

Frank sighed. "I really don't know, Gerard."

"Frankie, I don't know if I can do this," Gerard admitted.

"Why not, Gee?" Frank asked.

"Well, I killed that one man and it was dark. I didn't even see his face or anything. Hell, I didn't even know I killed him until two days later. When I found out I killed him I changed. My rage and anger for being put into jail turned into guilt and depression," Gerard said.

Frank didn't know what to say. He tried to speak, but he couldn't make a sound. Sure, Frank had shot down two or three security guards, but he didn't know if he actually killed them or not. Plus, it was easy. He didn't feel any guilt for that. How could Gerard feel so bad for stabbing an officer?

"The guilt has been eating away at my insides ever since. I did it because I was stupid. I wanted to die. I wished that it was me instead of him. If I could go back, I would never stab him," Gerard said.

Then Frank realized something. Gerard wasn't a criminal. Gerard was abnormal guy who wanted a normal life. If he never went to the jewelry store that night, he would probably be a successful comic book author and have a family, but no.

Frank realized that Gerard had wasted five years of his life rotting away in a prison cell. The worst part was Gerard knew that, too. He hated it. Gerard wasted his life and he didn't want to do this.

"I think you're right, Gerard," Frank said.

"About what?" Gerard asked.

"I don't think I can do this either," Frank said.

Gerard looked up at him with said eyes. Frank stepped toward Gerard. Gerard set his coffee down on the counter.

Gerard leaned in and kissed Frank. Frank closed his eyes and kissed back. Then, the two of them were interrupted by a knock on the door.

"I'll get it," Frank said. Gerard nodded.

Opening the door, Frank saw Mr. Toro standing there. Mr. Toro walked inside.

"How are you today, boys?" He asked.

Frank closed the door. Frank walked over to Gerard and stood beside him. Frank and looked at each other and then back at Mr. Toro.

"W-what is it, boys?" He asked.

Frank sighed. "No," He said.

"No, what?" Mr. Toro asked.

"We're not going to do your little mission. We can't," Frank said, shaking his head.

Mr. Toro smiled.


Yeah. I just did that. Plot twists for life. I know what you're thinking, and no, this isn't the end. Not yet. I still have more to go and more to write about, so hang in there.

Also, I want to mention that you guys are rad as fuck. I love you all so much❤️

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