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Frank had crossed over into Maryland and found a motel in a small town to stay at. Frank looked over at a sleeping Gerard. Gerard looked peaceful in his sleep, Frank hated to wake him, but did it anyway.

"Hey, Gerard. We're here, let's go inside," Frank said, shaking Gerard gently.

Gerard mumbled something and sat up. He rubbed his eyes and reached back for his bag. Frank grabbed his as well and they got out of the car.

Frank walked into the small service desk room. He checked in with a fake name and paid to stay one night. The lady who was working at the desk handed them a key and they walked to their room.

"This place is really cheap," Gerard said as the two of them entered their room.

"Yeah, it is. But, we need the money for more important things like food and gas, so it works," Frank said.

"Do I have any sweatpants in here?" Gerard asked, digging through his bag.

"I think there might've been a pair. I'm going to go change real quick," Frank said, walking into the bathroom. After Frank got out, Gerard went in and changed.

Frank took the bed closest to the bathroom and Gerard took the other bed. Frank turned out the lamp and turned over.

"Night, Gerard," Frank whispered.

"Night," Gerard whispered back and the two of them fell asleep.


Gerard was the first to wake up. He woke up around eight in the morning. He got up and got out of bed. He grabbed some clothes and went to get in the shower.

Frank woke up soon after. He looked over to see that Gerard was gone, but knew where he was when he heard he showed running. Frank wasn't going to worry about showering at the moment.

He threw some clothes on and his stomach growled. He wondered what there was to eat around here. Frank walked over to the bathroom door and knocked.

"Hurry up, would you!" Frank said.

The shower turned off a minute after that. Frank put his shoes on and waited for Gerard to come out. Gerard finally came out of the bathroom, fully clothes and ready to go.

"Want to go get some breakfast?" Frank asked.

"Yeah, I'm starving," Gerard said.

Frank and Gerard gathered their things and went back down to the front desk. They checked out, and headed to Frank's car.

Frank drove down the road. "Keep looking for a place to eat," Frank said.

"There's a diner," Gerard pointed out.

"Let's eat there," Frank said and he pulled into the parking lot.

The diner was a little busy. I mean, it was Saturday morning, so that shouldn't surprise anyone.

"Hi, I'm Emma and I'll be seating you today," A cheery waitress said. Frank and Gerard followed Emma to a booth in the back of the diner.

"Just you two?" She asked, handing us menus.

"Yep," Gerard said.

"We're on a business trip together," Frank said.

"Can I start you off with some drinks?" Emma asked.

"Coffee," Both Frank and Gerard said at the same time.

"Coffee it is," She said, writing it down.

"Thanks," Gerard said as she walked away.

Frank studied Gerard as he looked at the menu. Gerard's mouth was practically watering looking at all of the food. Well, Gerard was in prison for years, eating bland food.

"What are you going to get?" Gerard asked Frank.

"Not sure. What about you?" Frank asked.

"I don't know. Everything looks so good," Gerard said, admiring the menu.

"Well, she's coming back so you should probably decide," Frank said as Emma arrived at the table. Frank and Gerard placed their orders and Emma took up their menus.

"Wait," Frank said. Emma stopped and walked back over to them.

"Is everything okay?" She asked.

"Why do you do this to yourself, doll?" Frank asked.

"What do you mean? Work here?" Emma asked. Frank nodded. Gerard didn't say anything.

Emma sighed. "I'm a single mom. I have a son. I have to earn money to pay for him to have food, a house, and education, you know. I don't want him to turn out like me," She said. Frank and Gerard could see the pain in her eyes.

"I-" Frank started but Emma shook her head.

"It's okay," She said with a small smile. "A lot of people ask me and they all have this reaction. There are many people like me around here in this small town. I'm not special," She said and walked away.

Looking back at Emma, Frank sighed. "Poor girl. She looks so young and tired," He said, frowning.

"Yeah I feel bad for her," Gerard said.

"I know I'm a bad guy, but I'm going to leave her a bigger tip than usual," Frank said.

Gerard smirked. "Frankie's going good," He whispered.

Frank shot a glare at Gerard. "Remember, I will still murder you with no hesitation," He reminded Gerard.

"But you wouldn't kill your friend, would you, Frankie?" Gerard asked in a teasing voice.

"Why are you calling me Frankie? Also, we aren't friends," Frank said coldly.

Gerard looked a little hurt for a minute but then smirked again. He rolled his eyes. "Technically," Gerard said,"We are partners in crime, which is an expression for friends."

"It's an expression for friends, but we are legitimate partners in crime," Frank said.

"Frankie's playing hard to get," Gerard giggled.

Frank felt his face grow warm. "Shut the fuck up, Gerard," Frank said through gritted teeth.

"Frankie's face turned red!" Gerard said a little loud, causing the two guys to get strange looks.

"Gerard, be quiet," Frank whispered. Then, Emma brought out their coffee and food.

"Thank you," Gerard said politely and Frank nodded. Emma smiled a little and walked away.

Gerard basically shoved his food down his throat. Frank had never seen someone eat so fast in his life. In a way, Frank felt some sympathy for Gerard because if Frank wanted to, he could eat this every day. He could eat what he wanted and do what he wanted, but for five years, Gerard couldn't.

"Slow down, Gerard," Frank said, taking a bite of his toast.

"Sorry. Everything is just so, so-" He said, but cut himself off by eating more food. Frank chuckled a little.

At the end of their meal, Frank left a $50 tip for Emma. Just before they walked out the door, Frank caught a glimpse of Emma's expression when she saw the tip.

Emma glanced over at Frank and Frank smiled and nodded. Emma grinned and Frank followed Gerard outside. Frank and Gerard got into the car.

"Ready for a road trip?" Frank asked.

"Whenever you are," Gerard said, and Frank drove off.

Demolition LoversOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora