Chapter 26. | Home

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"She's gonna look just like ya." Harley buried her face on his chest, breathing in the familiar scent she adored. They sat on the rug, next to the fire, J's hand rubbing her belly as they drank hot chocolate. It was blissful, for a former lethal couple that now shared the most normal yet beautiful evening, together.

"So, this little one will be green haired, pale, with shiny metallic gums and –may I add–absolutely gorgeous?" he whispered, his breath tickling her neck.

"Metallic gums? What kind of baby would that be, Puddin? You're crazy!" Harley laughed sweetly at the thought of Lucy, smiling broadly, her gums shining.

"I'm crazy for you two." he said, pressing his lips on Harley's for a tender kiss. Lucy kicked against his hand and the clown couldn't help but laugh, imagining his baby girl demanding her father's attention already, even from her mother's womb.

"She's gonna be such a daddy's little girl, just like me." Harley said, breaking the kiss and looking down at her belly.

She couldn't tell if it was the hormones or the recent cheesy movie they had just watched or the fact that he was leaving for Arkham in a couple of days, but the harlequin felt a tear run down her face when her eyes met his hands, pressed protectively on her grown stomach.

"We'll leave this place as soon as I come back, baby." J's voice was soft and calming, but it also brought more tears to her eyes, "I always wanted to live close to the lake, far away from the city. Ever since I was a kid I pictured it in my head and now I want it more than ever, for you and Lucy."

"Describe it for me, please Puddin." she whispered, moving even closer to her husband.

"It will be a great house, baby, hidden in the woods. It'll have a porch with a swing, perfect for you to cradle Lucy. We will share many nights laying close to the fireplace in our room." his voice sent shivers down her spine as she pictured it, "I will finally be able to teach you how to cook in the huge kitchen, without burning everything down."

Harley giggled, brushing her tears away as she looked up at J's deep blue eyes, a yellow glow coming from the fire reflecting on them. He was perfect.

"I don't care where we live, as long as we're together there's nothing more I need." she said, letting her eyes close as she listened to the beating of his heart, her head pressed against his chest once more.

"If I could only listen to your heart right now." Harley whispered to herself, her eyes filled with warm tears as she looked down at her locket. The memory of that night, that perfect night when they made plans about leaving Bruce's mansion to finally live at their own place, their home. But it all shattered when Batman came to her with the worst news she had ever received: The Joker was dead. Her Puddin was gone.

Harley couldn't even see his face, hold his body against hers. She couldn't even say goodbye and now she was alone, they were alone.

"You have to come inside and have something to eat, child." Alfred voice sounded distant, shallow. "You need to stay strong for that little one."

"I know." Harley smiled sadly at the old man sitting on the wheelchair. Alfred's heart broke at the blonde's miserable expression. "You are not alone, you can stay with us–"

"How can I look straight into Bruce's eyes after what happened, Alfie?" she said, a sob escaping from her lips, "I lost my Puddin and it's all his fault. How can I stay here if I want to kill him so bad? J was my entire universe and now he's gone."

"You have Lucy, you have me." Alfred pleaded, reaching for her trembling hand, holding it tight between his.

"Harley." Bruce stepped outside, his voice solemn and kind. Harley pulled her hand back from Alfred and looked away from them, avoiding the millionaire's eyes.

Bruce nodded at Alfred, as if mentally communicating and the old man made his way back into the house, leaving the crying girl and his master alone.

"I need to show you something. I know you want to murder me for what happe–"

"You have no idea." Harley interrupted him, her back facing him.

"I need to show you something." he insisted, "J wanted me to take you to a place... in case something happened to him."

Harley sighed and turned to Bruce, reluctantly walking with him to the garage, where they climbed into one of the many cars he owned and made their way to Gotham's outskirts.

They probably drove for half an hour until they reached the woods. When the car stopped, Harley's eyes caught sight of a beautiful house, surrounded by trees and a river.

"This house is yours, Harley." said Bruce, the harlequin's eyes wide with astonishment and sadness. "You can stay here or you can stay with us. Whatever you decide, you will always be under my protection. I promised him that."

Harley's hand made her way up to her mouth as the faint sound of choked sobs kept her from speaking. It was the house he described, the house they were supposed to live in. Together.

"C–can I s–see it?" Harley managed to whisper and Bruce nodded, helping her out from the car.

It was perfect, she could imagine Lucy running around the house, her bright eyes shining with the light from the fireplace, just like her father's. Her heart broke when the porch and the swing J described perfectly caught her attention.

Harley stepped out and sat on the swing, her hand reaching down to touch her baby's house. Lucy kicked and the blonde sighed, taking that as a sign.

"We will live for daddy, won't we?" she said, the oath Harleen had made more present than ever.

A pair of familiar strong hands ran down her shoulders to her arms and she froze, unable to look up at the man standing behind her.

"If I remember correctly, I asked Bruce for a fridge filled with grape soda so I could make a toast with my wife." she gasped at the sound of his voice. Harley turned around and her knees went weak at the sight the most beautiful sight she had ever witnessed: J stood before her, bruised, dirty, but alive, grinning just like he did when he rescued his girl from Belle Reve.

"Puddin!" the harlequin screamed, throwing her arms around his neck.

"I'm home, baby. We're home."



Don't fret, my Clown Babies. Mistah J is safe and sound and he's back with his girls.

How did he survive the fall? Who helped him? What the hell is going to happen now? We will miss Daemon soooo badly.(NOOOOT!)

These questions and more will be answered in PART II.

Thank you all for your love, your comments, your support and for keeping up with this book. I love writing it for you and there will be more to come.

Tell me your thoughts, your predictions, I love reading your amazing comments and ideas.

Btw, I see the birth of a certain "Bomb Squad". *brushes a tear from her cheek* I love my Clown Baby readers!

See ya at PART II!


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