Chapter 14. | Cheater

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Twenty minutes had passed but it felt like hours since the Joker stormed into the kitchen and brought her to their room with no explanation. Harley sat silently in the armchair watching as the furious green haired man paced in circles around the room, muttering undescifrable words under his breath, his fingers running through his hair over and over. He was furious and the voices inside his head were more present than ever.


"Shut up."

'You can't blame me for what I did. You were never home.'

"That is a pathetic excuse."

'Not as pathetic as your unsuccessful acting career.'

The Joker pressed his hands over his ears and closed his eyes, his breathing muting the voices for a moment, but the pain was still there. He felt betrayed, stupid. It was as if he had been living a lie for years. The pain, the acid, his life thrown to the trash. All because of a worthless woman who betrayed him. Her voice ignited his fury like fire and gasoline.

"You whore." he whispered.

The voice laughed, louder than ever. It echoed through his brain and made him wince in pain as he pressed his hands harder to his skull, violently groaning. He couldn't handle more hallucinations.

'My dear Jack. Look at me.'

But he kept his eyes closed. Jack was weak and naive. The Joker was unbreakable, or so he thought before Daemon revealed his affair, waking something inside his rusty heart.

'He promised me a life you couldn't give me. Any other woman would have done the same in my place. You were nothing but a pebble in my shoe, a bad decision, a little defenseless boy I grew attached to that made me laugh, but then the jokes turned into tears, starvation, cold and wet nights waiting for my husband to come home with nothing but a weak smile and a promise a better tomorrow.'

"Enough!" the Joker screamed, his voice cracked like the chair he threw into the wall out of anger. He opened his eyes and slowly turned around to the armchair, his dark soul sinking when he saw Jeannie sitting there, rubbing her large stomach, grinning deviously. He felt his eyes water and opened his mouth but no words came out, just a choked sobbing sound.

'I think you already know, sweetheart. I am not as mean as you think I am, it still hurts me to tell you the truth. But what's the point in pretending anymore, Jack?' Joker's eyes travelled from her face to her stomach, horrified. His fists were turning blue and all he wanted was to beat the woman before him until the light on her eyes was extinguished. 'This baby wasn't even yours!'

Her words and her laughter were enough to make J lose control. He leaned dangerously toward her and wrapped his long hands around her neck.

"You whore I'm going to kill you. You worthless piece of shit, you are nothing but a slut!"

Red. That was all he saw. A crimson shade blurring his vision and everything around him disappeared until a familiar touch on his cheek brought him back to reality. He watched in horror as the woman he was trying to strangle faded and was replaced by a pair of grey blue eyes, porcelain skin and beautiful pink lips that had started to turn darker due to his grip.

He immediately let go of Harley's neck and she instinctively took a deep breath. Joker backed away from her, terrified of his actions and the consequences they might have had if he hadn't waken up from his trance in time.

"Puddin," she gasped, a hand rubbing her neck and the other reaching for him, "I'm fine, you didn't hurt me. Come here."

He then fell on his knees before the fragile girl, burying his face on her lap, letting Harley run her fingers through his hair as he felt himself slowly relax to her soothing voice and touch. She seemed strangely calm even though he could have potentially killed her. Harley seemed indifferent to that and was focused on calming him down.

"She was fucking him." J finally said after a few minutes, breaking the silence. Harley frowned, trying to understand what he was talking about. She was about to speak when he looked up from her lap and that's when she felt her own heart break. He looked miserable. "My damn ex wife was screwing the man that almost kills my Harley. That whore was carrying his baby, not mine. The woman I gave my life for was a liar and a slut."

Harley's blood boiled. She felt stupid for being jealous of a death woman when she found out about her Puddin's past, but now she finally had a good reason to hate Jeannie. How she wanted to dig that woman's grave and kill her all over again, if that was even possible.

She shook her thoughts from her head and looked down at the clown, who was tracing circles on her belly. His breathing was still shaky and heavy, as if trying to control his anger. Harley's finger reached his nose and she brushed it soflty up and down; it was a simple gesture that always calmed him down, something she had discovered during their sessions in Arkham when he had breakdowns and attacks. And it worked wonders every single time.

"I am so greatful with her," she whispered and smiled at the confused look on J's face, "if it wasn't for Jeannie, the Joker wouldn't exist. I met you because of her. I met the love of my life because of her."

The Joker shook his head, "I just destroyed you, Harley. I corrupted you and look where we are now."

"We are exactly where we're supposed to be." she grabbed his hands and placed them on her stomach, "you complete me."

The clown smiled and pressed his lips on her stomach, "I'm sorry for scaring you and mommy." he muttered and looked up expectantly at his harlequin, "Mine. My babies."

"Oh Puddin," she giggled, running a small hand down his cheek, "this baby is so yours that I bet it's going to come out the oven with green hair and tattoos all over its tiny body."

He laughed warmly and leaned over to kiss her lips, "By the way, happy birthday, my sweet girl."  

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