Chapter 11. | Family ties

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The smell of vanilla, strawberry, mint and gun powder filled the room. The king sized unmade bed where the clown couple shared their most intimate moments felt so inviting, but he resisted. Instead, he rummaged through the drawers, tossing his new possessions to the carpeted floor. Even he was impressed by the amount of weapons hidden in there, too many toys to play if he got bored, it was like Christmas. Then, his red eyes found the silky fabrics and he smiled bitterly; Harley's lingerie felt strange between his right hand, a soft reminder of a beautiful woman who had found death in his powerful arms.

"Pity," Daemon mumbled, folding the clothes back to the drawer, "I should have kept the blondie alive."

Johnny Frost silently stood by the door frame, waiting for any instructions while his master explored his new lairs. He could perfectly remember the moments when he stood there in this same position watching Mr. J laughing, loading his guns, giving him orders between jokes or awkwardly opening the doors to find his former boss and Harley having sex. He couldn't help but chuckle. The Joker was fun, he had to admit.

Captain Daemon was anything but fun. He was brutal. A month had passed since the Joker's disappearance and Harley's death and he could tell the difference between the clown and the pirate. Daemon was greedy, he never seemed to get enough. The henchmen that had the misfortune of having a family were forced to give their wives to their new boss, while Frost's main task was to train the teenagers or kill the kids if they weren't old enough to serve.

"Did you find the bastard, Johnny?" Daemon said, bringing him back to reality. Frost nodded and the Captain smiled with satisfaction. This was going to be so much fun. "Let's go then, we wouldn't like to keep that son of a bitch waiting!"

Daemon stormed out of the room, not caring if Frost was left behind. He walked down the stairs menacingly and as he reached the bottom, his crew kneeled down with respect. Except one, a man strapped to a chair who looked severly beaten. The Captain approached him with a smile and lifted his head harshly with his left mechanical arm. The man trembled and sobbed, his pleading eyes searching around the place until they found what he was looking for. Curled in a corner was a woman, holding a toddler protectibly in her arms.

"I know this is hard Bennie, but I warned you." Daemon pointed towards the woman and the little boy, "I offered you all a good life, riches and power. All I asked was a little cooperation, a tiny fee. You agreed, Bennie. Is that how you thank your leader? By running away with what, by right, is mine?"

"You are not a leader! Mr. J was! He was a genious! You are just a liar and a fraud!" Bennie managed to scream, his throat hurt terribly and he was barely able to open his eyes and mouth due to the severe bruises, making him look like Quasimodo. Daemon laughed in his face, his nose inches from Bennie's.

"The clown is a coward!" he whispered in Bennie's ear, "And do you know what I do to cowards and traitors, Bennie?"

"You kill them."

"Wrong. That is what you would like me to do because you would stop suffering and cease existing." Daemon spoke as he circled the man who looked more scared than ever. "But if you're dead, my boy, I can't teach you a lesson. How can you learn about loyalty if you're fucking six feet underground? No. I'm going to keep you alive, so that every time you look at yourself in the mirror, your reflection reminds you how stupid you were for disobeying me."

Daemon smirked and stood tall, more proud than ever. He pulled out a knife he had picked out from the Joker's stock, "Johnny, give me a hand, will ya?" then, without warning, he gripped Bennie's chin harshly and opened his mouth with Frost's help. With a swift move, he sliced his tongue and threw it towards the woman and the little boy, their screams merging with Bennie's.

"Lock him up in the cube, Frost. Cut the boy's neck and let him bleed infront of his father and bring the lady to my room." 

♦︎ ♥︎ ♣︎ ♠︎

It had been four hours since she finally realized it. Two months since her last period, four weeks of cravings and anxiety. She was ninety-nine percent sure.

She was pregnant. And she was not happy about it. Not one bit.

Harley knew she should have been rejoicing about it, picking out names for the unborn fetus that grew in her tummy, but she just couldn't bring herself to do it. This wasn't the right time. There was too much going on with her health condition, as if it wasn't enough she was a disabled woman. How could she possibly take care of a little clown? Her hand unconsciously rubbed her belly, tears threatened to come out of her eyes as she thought about their future. It wasn't right.

Suddenly, the door bursted open and in came the Joker with a plate of apple pie. She tried to smile but it was weak. Harley sighed as he placed the plate down and gave her a heart-warming smirk. She didn't even feel him sitting down next to her, the kisses he planted on her neck weren't enough snap her out of her mind.

J already had so much on his plate and this would just make it worst, she knew he would hate the idea too. Abortion suddenly crossed her mind, though it made her sick. She had always been against it but now, Harley knew they had no choice. 

"Baby!" he snapped his fingers in front of her and she blinked profusely. J frowned, narrowing his eyes at her and Harley finally realized she hadn't been listening to what he was saying. "I told you to eat. Aren't you hungry?" He paused, his hands reaching her face, "What are you thinking about?" 

"Umm-" she gulped, struggling for a reply as her trembling hand automatically went to her tummy, an action which did not go unnoticed by the clown.

"What is it?" The Joker narrowed his eyes at her, his voice low and almost demanding, laced with concern.

" having a stomach ache. I've been eating too much junk food lately. Maybe I should stop, y'know." Harley replied too quickly his eyes fell further on her stomach. J knew her too well and he was positive his harlequin was lying. 

He inched closer, placing his hand sweetly on her cheek as he pulled her towards him, Harley's heart skipping a beat with guilt and nervousness. "Tell me the truth." His eyes locked with her baby blue eyes, searching for answers.

And the Joker was about to get them.

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