"You know what?" Lauren said. "I think I lost something over there. I'm just gonna go look for it." She added.

"I'll come help you!" Nathan said.

"What? Wait, what about me?" I yelled

"We'll be back!" Lauren said.

"So...." I said.

"So." He said and there was this awkwardness in between us.

"Anyways, are you here with your girlfriend?" I asked looking away.

"I don't have a girlfriend." He said then I looked up at him and put the hair covering my face behind my ear. Just be calm Jasmine. He's just another guy. 

"Are you sure? I mean, you are like really cute and stuff. I'm sure you have a girlfriend."

"I don't. I'm here with the football team. But, what about you? I bet your boyfriend was so upset that you left Florida."

"Nope. No boyfriends." I said and we both smiled.

"Do you want some cotton candy?"

"Uh, yeah sure." I said before we went over and bought some cotton candy.

Lauren's POV

"What do you think they're talking about?" I asked Nathan, as I looked at Jasmine and Kyle talking and laughing.

"I don't know. Probably something they both have in common." He said and I nodded. After a few seconds, I spoke up again.

"Look, about how I asked you if you had a girlfriend earlier, I am really sorry. It was so uncool of me to ask and it isn't any of my business anyways."

"No problem. I mean, I would've asked you but Jasmine already told me that you are a NBSB."


"No Boyfriend Since Boyfriend."

"Oh yeah. My parents were strict and plus I wasn't one of the girls that the boys liked back in Florida."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean that I wasn't all nice, nicey on everyone and that I could tend to be different from the other girls. I enjoy doing more boy stuff."

"But you're wearing a dress. You were even wearing a dress yesterday."

"Just because I like doing stuff that boys like, doesn't mean that I can't dress cute. And plus, I just have some anger issues."

"You don't look like someone with Anger issues."

"I'm trying trust me. But, I was the Cheerleader Captain of our old school."

"You? A Cheerleader? No way."

"I promise. They said I was the perfect size for tossing. I am nice you know, I just tend to get angry over some things. Jasmine is like my rock, she cools me down when I get to upset." I said.

"But you never liked anyone?"

"I liked some guys, but it didn't matter anyway. They didn't like me back. I mean, there was this one guy..."

"Yeah?" He said and started smiling.

"We liked each other but it ended up not working out because at that time my parents got divorced, and some other things happened. I don't really like to talk about it." I said and then let out a small laugh.

"Don't worry, I think there's someone out there for you."

"Hey." Jasmine said walking up to us.

"So how was it?" I asked walking away from Nathan with her.

"NATHAN! NATHAN!" we heard and saw some guys calling him.

"I'll catch up with you guys later."

"But the movie is about to start." Jasmine said.

"It's just a second."

"Nathan, it's Family Date Night." She said.

"Says the girl who was talking to Kyle 5 minutes ago." He said then she lost her smile.

"You have 2 minutes." She said then we walked away. Jasmine doesn't really like talking about her feelings about other boys. When we got to the car we told Aunt Miracle that Nathan saw some of his friends and that he will come back. And not even 30 seconds after we said that, he got in the car. The movie was Hilarious. Definitely a Family Movie. After the movie we went home and ate dinner. Then, we all went upstairs and got ready for bed. Jasmine offered to wash the dishes while the rest of us take a shower and then once she gets upstairs, she could take a shower. We both picked out what we were wearing to school tomorrow and then said Good Night. I walked into my very comfortable sheets and fell into a dreamless sleep.

 I walked into my very comfortable sheets and fell into a dreamless sleep

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A/N: Ok so I know these social media things aren't exactly like the original ones/don't look the same but you guys get the point right? Oh and don't mind the extra users ai put in the comments lol😂😂😂

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A/N: Ok so I know these social media things aren't exactly like the original ones/don't look the same but you guys get the point right? Oh and don't mind the extra users ai put in the comments lol😂😂😂

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