Chapter 7

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Chapter 11
Jasmine's POV

"You look like you just saw a monster." Lauren said to me.

"More like my worst nightmare."

"Hey Guys." Nathan said. "How was first period?" he added laughing and I pulled him to the side and punch his arm.

"Ouch. What was that for?" he asked.

"You knew."

"Knew what?"

"You knew that Kyle was going to be in my Algebra class and that that girl was going to destroy me."

"And why would Bethany go after you?"

"She thinks I'm-"I started then I saw his face. "I'm not telling you what she thinks. But, I see your face. You know something. I don't like it." I added walking back to Lauren and Kyle.

"This school is so much different from Florida." I said opening my locker and then Kyle walked to my side.

"Look, about Bethany-"

"You don't have to explain anything Kyle."

"But I do. She-"

"Step away." Bethany said pushing me to the side and pulling Kyle. "From my boyfriend." She added.

"Boyfriend?" I asked looking at Kyle. "I thought-"

"You thought wrong missy. Kyle is mine. So, you and your little sweet innocent little girl act can leave because at this school, I get what I want. You think you are so perfect. But you are nothing. You are a nobody and you will always be one." She said then I closed my locker and walked away.

Lauren's POV

"Nice Girlfriend Kyle? Why do you have to be a jerk?" I said.

"But she's not-"

"And who are you? Jasmine number 2?" she said and then the girl behind her laughed.

"Look, Bethany is it? You probably think that I'm just gonna walk away and turn the other cheek, but you were wrong!" I said about to tackle her then Nathan and Kyle stopped me. "PUT ME DOWN!" I added.

"My best friend needs me. You know what Kyle, stay away from her."

"But Lauren-"

"Save it. I don't need any more lies." I said walking away and then Nathan catches up to me.

"He's not a lying jerk like you think."

"But he is, he has a girlfriend and Jasmine put her hopes up that they could actually become a thing."

"You don't understand. Bethany and Kyle are-."

"Nathan, please. We'll see you at Lunch. I need to find Jasmine."

"You're right. Go look for her." He said then I ran. I went to the nearest bathroom, but Jasmine would never go somewhere like that, so I went to the only place I thought that I could fine, and I was right. I found her at the bleachers. I saw and I sat down right next to her. She out her head on my shoulder and I put mines on her head.

"When was life so difficult?"

"When you let Kyle get into your brain." I said then she laughed.

"No, Jas, I'm serious." I said sitting up straight and she did too. "It's the first day of school, for goodness gracious, It's only but a couple of hours and that Bethany girl turned my wonderful flower into dust." I added. "You need to stay away from him."

"But, I still really like him. He's nice, sweet, cute, athletic. He's the perfect package."

"Yeah, he's like every heartthrob every school has."

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