Chapter Eight

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I woke up earlier again as i fell asleep quite earlier the previous day. I slid on a different pair of black leggings with a fitted black long sleeve crop top. I actually put a little bit of make-up on as i had learnt the talent to 'hold back the river'. When i was done, i headed out of my room and knocked on Emma room. She was just about to get dressed so i went in and helped her. When she was done, we both went down stairs to be greeted by the smell of fresh sausage sandwiches and Reece and Grace sitting at the table. We all smiled at each other before tucking in to the food.

Time for school came but Reece and Emma had a teacher training day so i was walking to school alone today. I put in my head phones and listened to some of my favourite artists. After a short 15 minute walk, I arrived at the school gate. I took our my headphones and walked over towards the performing rooms. I went into my favourite of the three, drama. Inside was the only teacher i spoke to. Miss. Crackett. She was a kind teacher who helped me during the drama lessons. It was coming up to my drama exam but i don't mind because i love doing drama revision. Throughout the past 5 years I've been at that school she's always helped me from what i told her. But i never told her much. I didn't feel to comfortable around her even if i did like her; i couldn't open up to her like i have and do with Luke.

The end of the double drama lesson finished and i strolled out of the room with a massive grin on my face. I walked down the stairs into the changing rooms to get out of my drama atire. When i left the changing rooms to go to my locker, i was stopped by Luke. He walked up to me and smiled. He gave me a tight, warming hug and said "Day five, reason five. Drama. When ever you're in or leaving the lesson you have a smile on your face. It makes you happy so do it more."

I looked down and played with the hem of my crop top. He hugged me once again and then grabbed my hand and we ran out if school. Luckily we didn't get caught leaving the school grounds and we left to go to he cliffs again. Im so upset its coming to the end of the 7 days. When the 7 days are over, he wont care about me. He's only doing this so its off his conscience . When we were sitting on the bench we first sat down on together we sat there in silence apart from the music playing from my phone. It weren't and awkward silence though. It was nice.

A couple hours passed and we were leaving after either sitting and thinking or talking about things. Whilst we walked down the hill, i asked "On the seventh day we will meet here for me to make my mind up if thats okay. " he looks at me and nods "I hope I've changed your mind!"
"You might of!" I giggle and he wraps me in another hug.

I walk back to school but instead of going in i turn and head back home. I plug in my earphones as Luke has now left me. I go to unlock the wooden front door but it looked as if it had been forced open. When I walked in Grace was lying down on the chair. I rushed up to her and asked her "What's happened?"
"Someone got in, i told Reece to take him and Emma somewhere safe they've gone to some place called 'west Cheshire cliffs' im fine just light head from being pushed over." I stood still and looked around and a few things had been taken but nothing much. I knew where Emma and Reece were because its where i go to think and talk to Luke now. I typed a quick message to Luke telling him to go find Reece and Emma in the cliffs and keep them safe.

Once the message had been sent i called the police they got here quickly and they asked Grace a few questions and me a couple as well. Soon enough the police left and i told Luke to bring Emma and Reece back. Luckily enough they only stole a couple things from the main room and didn't venture into other rooms.

When the three arrived we sat down in the kitchen and had some food. I cooked so Grace could have a break. I was so scared and upset when i walked in and saw Grace hurt and Reece and Emma gone. Im glad they're all safe now. Luke offered to stay the night to help me, help Reece, Emma and Grace. Grace thanked him and me and him left the house ensuring the new lock had been locked properly.

We arrived out side his ordinary house. He unlocked his door and i followed him into his house. It was quite a big house and looked very comfortable. He walked through a door which lead to a kitchen. In the kitchen was a beautiful lady sitting at the table. She smiled at him and asked "who's this?"
"She my friend, is it okay if i stop at hers tonight because she has some issues at home?" She nodded and smiled, "Of course, hope everything gets better soon."
I smiled and said, "Thank you, hopefully it will."

He lead me into his room and pulled a smallish black bag out from underneath his bed. Putting different things into the bag, he smiled at me and said "Everything will be okay, trust me." I kept quiet and looked towards the floor. I think i really do trust him but i only started talking to him for 6 days - not even a week! Anyways, i then began to help him fold a pair of jeans and a t-shirt for the next day. Placing them in his bag, i spoke up, "You know you don't have to do this!"
"I know, but i want to help you. Not only with your depression and suicide thoughts but everything because we're friends, right?"
"Of course we are, you've helped me so much. Im just scared that when these 7 days, I'm going to be stuck lonely again," i say beginning to open up as usual. He smiled once again and said "I would never!"

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