10% | rosy cheeks

439 18 10

-jordan's pov.-

we had taken our friends marathon upstairs because his mom got home. i was lying on awsten's chest watching it on the screen. i looked up to the boy who drove me crazy.

his fluffy hair was messy and he had his glasses on. do i need to say anything more than that?

he noticed me looking at him and smiled down at me.

"whatcha looking at j" he smirked.

"you." unlike awsten i wasn't embarrassed. "your not the only one who can lo..." i was cut off be awsten's sweet lips. he smiled into the kiss which made the butterflies in my stomach go even faster. even though we saw each other every damn day, i still got that feeling.

he took control and was kissing me passionately but not aggressively. we both knew our boundaries.

we broke away for air, his smile could light up the world. his blue hair was even messier from before from me running my hands through it.

"you miss jordan take my breath away." he blushed. i laughed. i've never been happier.

i attacked him with a hug and a kiss on his rosy cheek. i snuzzled my head into the crook of his neck. he lays back and pulls me down with him.

"i'm not sure where that explosion of affection came from but i'm not complaining." he put his chin on my head.

"i'm happy." was all i said and smiled.

"why is that?" he turned me over to look at me.


he wrapped his arms around me.

"do you still want ihop?" he asked.

i was obviously joking when i had said it originally but now it did kind of sound good.

"hmmmmm yes!" i got up out of bed. grabbing my clothes. i was in a sports bra and a pair of awsten's soft sweatpants. he got up to put a shirt on. we both were just gonna wear sweats. it's 2:10 who's gonna judge us at ihop? i put on a state champs t-shirt and grabbed awsten's black sweatshirt pulling it over my head.

"i was gonna wear thattttttt." he whined

i was putting my hair in two braids. no need to fix my makeup because it hasn't smeared or anything.

he cross his arms watching me.

"too bad your cute in my clothes or i would force you to take it off." he huffed in a jokingly way. i grabbed my shoes going downstairs quietly not to disturb his mom.  awsten found a new sweatshirt cause i "stole" his. i jumped in the passenger seat and awsten began to drive. i took at picture of awsten on snapchat of him driving and put the time filter on it.

"we want ihop, we get ihop." i captioned it.

we pulled into the place only seeing a few cars. i got out and ran over to awsten interlocking my hand in his.

"i wasn't lying when i said your cute in my clothes." he laughed looking at me. i think we've been so affectionate lately because of all the drama. when we first started dating it wasn't like this but now i can barley keep my hands off him. we're both always making cute comments and shit like that but it's not exactly puppy love.

"hmmm maybe i'll just have to keep them."

he tilted his head at me. "wait then what am i gonna wearrrrr!" he whined.

"someone is whining tonight!" i said as we walked in the doors.

the waitress looked extremely bored and sat us at a booth. there were like 3 other people eating food.

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