4% | ring pops and fireworks

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-jordan's pov.-

"jordannnn it's getting dark, can we see the fireworksss?" awsten begged

"mmh stop whinnnnningggg" i giggled.
man do giggle a lot around this boy, is that a good or bad sign? we started to walk to the castle to see the fireworks. we went on almost all the rides today saving some for the next few days. although we knew we'd never get bored here.

"aws come here, lets ask someone to take our photo." i said. we both had flower crowns on and i was actually looking good for once. i went up to a man and handed him my good camera. he took a ton which i was thankful for because then i could pick and choose. the fireworks went off while the photos were being taken, cliché right? i jumped on his back while the guy was still taking our photos. after we were done posing after got my camera from the guy.

"thank you so much!" awsten and i said at the same time. we laughed.

"no problem, i'm actually a photographer so i enjoyed doing it. hope i got some good ones." he said and then walked away. he got a really good one of me on aws's back, the castle was behind us and the fireworks were going off. awsten looked over my shoulder.

"totally instagram worthy" he noted. "that guy really got some nice ones, we should post them!"

"totally, i'll put them on my computer and send them to our phones. we both can post them." i said smiling.

we started walking back to our room. the room was beautiful and i was kind of upset awsten spent so much money on the trip. he covered tickets and the hotel. i covered all the food we bought. i threw on a pair of soft shorts and a state champs t-shirt.

"dude. states champs is sooooo good." awsten said "we should go see them together sometime!"

"yes that would be amazing!" i responded. his music taste was just like mine and it made our friendship 10x better. music was the only thing that helped me through life.

we both got into the king sized bed. (no smut my children. i can't write that. too innocent) awsten was to the point where he could fall off the bed, i think he thought i wasn't okay with it when all honesty i was. i don't know what it is about me but i just like the feeling of people being close.

"awsten knight. i do not bite so get your ass off the edge of the bed and closer to me." i said in a harsh but jokingly tone.

"i know i know, i just don't want you to think i was just trying to get in your pants. which i'm not!" he said while a shade of pink crept his face.

"aws is okay i know your not a fuck boy, your fine." i said.

"okayyyyy" he said scooting over to me. he turned over to me and our faces were a few inches apart. he poked my nose. i tried to keep a straight face and i ended up bursting out in laughter making awsten laugh too.

we talked for a few hours and asked each other random ass questions. awsten finished answering my question about his blue hair.

"are you ever terrified of yourself?" i asked.

i heard a shuffle and looked over at awsten. he fell asleep mid sentence.

"aws?" i asked.

soft snores escaped his mouth, i laughed.

this boy.

-time skip to the next morning-


-awsten's pv.-

"time to get upppp" i said lightly shaking jordan.

no movement.

"i really didn't want it to come to this miss jordan johnston" i said, still she didn't move. i made my move giggling. i jumped on her and all of a sudden she moved.

new boy || awsten knight (discontinued)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum