{7} Figment of Imagination?

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{Another chapter, yay! I usually hate the beginnings because you don't want to rush anything, yet you can't wait to write the good parts and plot. Ergh! Stay with me, readers. *insert pleading and clasped hands* 

Until next chapter ;) -aries }   

Picture of Luca's house above. It's the best I could find to fit what I had in mind, although its not exactly what I wanted. Oh well.



I couldn't fall asleep. Whether it was because of the fact that I would wake from seeing flashes of the night of the accident, the weird noises coming from outside, or the fact that I was in someone else's house, not in my own bed.

A thousand thoughts on my mind, I crawled out of bed and slowly made my way downstairs, using the rail to support me. I'm not sure where Luca ran off to, but I didn't want to wake him in case he was sleeping. Entering the kitchen, I walked towards the fridge for something to drink. Looking through, I found a jug of orange juice, letting my eyes overlook the case of beer. Now where would the glasses be?

Searching the cabinets, I opened the wrong one. Inside was a bottle of tequila and some other familiar bottles.

No, stop it.

Taking a deep breath, I closed my eyes. I shut the cabinet and continued on my search before not too long I found the cups. Taking my juice with me after cleaning up the spill I made from my hand being so shaken, I made my way back upstairs. Dodging the construction mess in the hall, I walk to the room I was in.

At least an hour later I awoke to myself lying in bed, the need to go pee. Oh great.

Sleepily I walked across the hall to Luca's room. Wait, should I knock? But what if he's sleeping? Opening the door handle, I enter the room to see a shirtless Luca, sleeping soundly. Creeping past, I made my way to the bathroom in the dark.

As I was walking, my left foot banged into the door frame and my immediate reaction was to backup and cradle my foot, trying to not curse. As I backed up and went to comfort my foot, my right shoulder banged into the door frame and I yelped. "Fuck, fuck, fuckity fuck!"

Luca awoke with a startle, and quickly came over to me. "Woah," he mumbled groggily. "What happened?"

Groaning in pain from my shoulder and toe, I breath and hold the tears back. I couldn't respond, my shoulder killing me. Forget about my toe, my shoulder hurt like a bitch. All I wanted was to go pee, was that too hard to do, seriously?

"Ellie, you're bleeding."

"No, it's not that time of the month, yet." I said, until I realized he meant the toe. "It's not bleeding I only stubbed it, I'm fine."

"No, you're shoulder. Here," he grabbed my hand and helped sit me down on the toilet, taking the sling off my shoulder and pulling the shirt off my shoulder a bit. "You seriously have to be careful, Ellie. You're still weak and not to mention not even healed yet. You might've ripped open a few stitches."

"I know but I had to go pee. I didn't think I would clutz. Agh! That hurts!" I yelped as he dabbed wet toilet paper onto my shoulder, cleaning up the blood around it.

"Sorry." He apologized, grabbing gauze and tape from the duffle bag next to the counter. He ripped off tape with his mouth and taped the gauze onto my shoulder after putting the cream on. "Hopefully that will heal and you didn't rip any stitches open. Dr. Williams will have a long word with me over it."

"Thanks for cleaning it up," I whispered sleepily as he helped put the sling back on my arm and shoulder. After, Luca left so I could go pee. When I was finished, he walked me back to my room.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2017 ⏰

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